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ridiculous speed zones

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ridiculous speed zones Empty ridiculous speed zones

Post by BRLAhere Mon Aug 07, 2017 2:40 pm

I haven't driven up to the airport in a couple of months.  Yesterday I dropped a friend off to catch a flight.  Who in the world makes decisions on speed zones on the highway?  It starts in Ixtlahuacan (north bound) where you drop from 80 km to 60 to 30 within a couple hundred meters (the south bound lane isn't posted the same).  The speed zones vary from 80 to 60 to 30 in several different spots along the road.  Why would the speed zones change from 60 to 20 up to 40 back to 20 return to 60 within 100 meters?  That actually exists in one spot in the north bound lane!  Now the right lane (north & south bound) is posted for 60km and the left lane is posted for 80km...what th' Hell?  In the south bound lane just as you pass the new Tepic highway, it is posted for 110km for about 150 meters then reduces back to 60 (but the north bound lane isn't posted for 110).  Not to mention all the new photo radar signs that are littered along the way.  

If folks mind these signs, there is gonna be one heck of a pile-up and gridlock of traffic just getting to and from the airport!  Maybe a plan for entrapment?

Viva Mexico
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ridiculous speed zones Empty Re: ridiculous speed zones

Post by CanuckBob Mon Aug 07, 2017 2:44 pm

The same guy that looks after the distance signs on the way from the airport where they say Chapala 25km, then 13km then 17km. I just do what everyone else does...... 100kmh all the way.

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ridiculous speed zones Empty Re: ridiculous speed zones

Post by SunshineyDay Mon Aug 07, 2017 6:33 pm

Have you checked out the libremiento lately?

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ridiculous speed zones Empty Re: ridiculous speed zones

Post by RickS Mon Aug 07, 2017 7:29 pm

I think that if one's ''signature" is  Viva Mexico, one will understand that signs like that are the norm.... and probably won't change in many lifetimes no matter what us Gringos think or (dis)like. Rolling Eyes
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ridiculous speed zones Empty Re: ridiculous speed zones

Post by Canada_Mike Sun Aug 13, 2017 11:01 am

I agree with CB, but always slow when it says 30 or 40, because that usually means topes.
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