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organizing a family tour to SMA in January - recommendation on tour operators? Lydia's? Charter? others? - any guidance would be welcomed - td's

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organizing a family tour to SMA in January - recommendation on tour operators? Lydia's? Charter? others? - any guidance would be welcomed - td's Empty organizing a family tour to SMA in January - recommendation on tour operators? Lydia's? Charter? others? - any guidance would be welcomed - td's

Post by toedippers Sun Aug 20, 2017 11:14 am

There are a dozen of us - and I don't want to deal with the logistics - so was hoping a local operator with a good reputation could get us there and back (and tour us around) without losing anyone....

(probably 1-2 nights - 3 days round-trip)

thanks in advance for any advice....


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organizing a family tour to SMA in January - recommendation on tour operators? Lydia's? Charter? others? - any guidance would be welcomed - td's Empty Re: organizing a family tour to SMA in January - recommendation on tour operators? Lydia's? Charter? others? - any guidance would be welcomed - td's

Post by Carry Bean Sun Aug 20, 2017 11:27 am

I've taken Lydia's day trips before and find them to be professional and not over-priced. I would check with her first. Nothing against Charter Club but they're kind of pricey even though their tours are excellent.

Carry Bean
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organizing a family tour to SMA in January - recommendation on tour operators? Lydia's? Charter? others? - any guidance would be welcomed - td's Empty Re: organizing a family tour to SMA in January - recommendation on tour operators? Lydia's? Charter? others? - any guidance would be welcomed - td's

Post by Canmex 87 Sun Aug 20, 2017 11:48 am

We prefer Charter Club. They are more expensive and the quality of their tours shows why.

Canmex 87
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organizing a family tour to SMA in January - recommendation on tour operators? Lydia's? Charter? others? - any guidance would be welcomed - td's Empty Re: organizing a family tour to SMA in January - recommendation on tour operators? Lydia's? Charter? others? - any guidance would be welcomed - td's

Post by SunshineyDay Sun Aug 20, 2017 11:54 am

Charter Club

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organizing a family tour to SMA in January - recommendation on tour operators? Lydia's? Charter? others? - any guidance would be welcomed - td's Empty Re: organizing a family tour to SMA in January - recommendation on tour operators? Lydia's? Charter? others? - any guidance would be welcomed - td's

Post by gringal Sun Aug 20, 2017 12:07 pm

SunshineyDay wrote:Charter Club

Ditto. I've used them on short hauls when our grown offspring and spouses (spice?) visited us here. They sent an excellent guide and went to all the "high points" in Guadalajara for the day.  Everyone was pleased about what an informative and good time they had.  Can't remember the exact price, bit I thought it was reasonable at the time.  They sent a van for the four of us.

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organizing a family tour to SMA in January - recommendation on tour operators? Lydia's? Charter? others? - any guidance would be welcomed - td's Empty Re: organizing a family tour to SMA in January - recommendation on tour operators? Lydia's? Charter? others? - any guidance would be welcomed - td's

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