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Forgetting things? Confustion? Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should ===

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Forgetting things? Confustion?  Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should === Empty Forgetting things? Confustion? Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should ===

Post by Clueless Thu Aug 31, 2017 12:14 pm

Think Lipitor
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Forgetting things? Confustion?  Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should === Empty Re: Forgetting things? Confustion? Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should ===

Post by gringal Thu Aug 31, 2017 1:33 pm

Clueless wrote:Think Lipitor

Before anyone either taking Lipitor and its brethren now or thinking about doing it, they should do some research on the side effects. One of the greatest medical hoaxes perpetrated on the public in history, IMO. But very, very profitable.
My husband's doc wanted to put him on it years ago. We had a friend who turned into a different personality after going on it, so my spouse took the dietary approach and all was well within a month or so. Drugs can be life saving or life-ruining. Anyone think Big Pharma cares who goes dotty as a result of their product ?

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Forgetting things? Confustion?  Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should === Empty Re: Forgetting things? Confustion? Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should ===

Post by MexicoPete Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:44 pm

After some type of body scan which was to check out my blood, I was immediately put on the generic version of Lipitor called Atorvastatin Calcium.

I am taking one 20 MG pill a day. (Maximum dose is 80MG) and after my social security picks up their share I pay just over $10 for 90 days worth.

I have no idea whether this medicine is good or not. However I trust my Doc up north, and he is the one who put me on it.
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Forgetting things? Confustion?  Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should === Empty Re: Forgetting things? Confustion? Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should ===

Post by Gamina Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:51 pm

I don't trust any anything any more. I google every med &/or procedure before using the regime suggested by my doc, and he is a really good diagnostician.
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Forgetting things? Confustion?  Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should === Empty Re: Forgetting things? Confustion? Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should ===

Post by Kiri Thu Aug 31, 2017 4:41 pm

Unfortunately the source of all the information is from the pharmaceutical companies, therefore no one can get unbiased information!
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Forgetting things? Confustion?  Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should === Empty Re: Forgetting things? Confustion? Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should ===

Post by gringal Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:01 pm

Here's a link where some truthiness about drugs is given, and wow, have I learned a lot:
The People's Pharmacy. Google it. They send info to your email twice a week. Free.
Trust the doctor without watching my own back, too? I'm with Gamina and Kiri! The docs get their "education" about drugs from the Pharma reps.

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Forgetting things? Confustion?  Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should === Empty Best Peer Review Site... (I've Found So Far)

Post by espíritu del lago Fri Sep 01, 2017 7:56 am

Content of this site is available under  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License

Pharma Journals wrote:
Make the best use of Researched information from 700+ peer reviewed, Open Access Journals operated by 50,000+ Editorial Board Members and esteemed reviewers and 1000+ Scientific associations in Medical, Clinical, Pharmaceutical, Engineering, Technology and Management Fields.
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A friend of mine is director of ER Trama in one of Dallas Texas larger hospitals and referred me to this site.  Its been a wealth of information for my family and friends, maybe you will find a few gems also.

Last edited by espíritu del lago on Fri Sep 01, 2017 8:05 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : X)
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Forgetting things? Confustion?  Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should === Empty Pharma Journals Impact Factors List

Post by espíritu del lago Fri Sep 01, 2017 8:14 am wrote:Pharmaceutical science refers to the science of innovation of new drugs and studying the biological impact of these drugs in the treatment of diseases and disorders. It also pertains to the study and application of basic and applied concepts of physics, chemistry, biology, molecular biology epidemiology, statistics; information technology in drug designing, development, delivery and disposition. Further divisions within the Pharmaceutical sciences include pharmacology, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, and Pharmacogenomics. Pharmaceutical research focuses on innovating new and better therapeutic options that can ensure maximum benefits of the drugs by minimizing the possible harmful effects.

X wrote:OMICS International through its Open Access Initiative is committed to make genuine and reliable contributions to the scientific community. OMICS International hosts 700+ leading-edge peer reviewed Open Access journals and organizes over 1000 scientific conferences all over the world. OMICS International journals have over 15 million readers and the fame and success of the same can be attributed to the strong editorial board, which contains over 50000 eminent personalities that facilitate rapid and quality review process. OMICS InternationalM Conferences make the perfect platform for the global networking as it brings together renowned speakers and scientists across the globe to a most exciting and memorable scientific event filled with much enlightened interactive sessions, world class exhibitions and poster presentations.

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Forgetting things? Confustion?  Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should === Empty Re: Forgetting things? Confustion? Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should ===

Post by Gamina Fri Sep 01, 2017 10:31 am

Kiri wrote:Unfortunately the source of all the information is from the pharmaceutical companies, therefore no one can get  unbiased information!

The US Physicians Desk Reference (PDR) is a book compiled of the patient inserts of every medicine available in the US. Guess who writes the insert info?
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Forgetting things? Confustion?  Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should === Empty Re: Forgetting things? Confustion? Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should ===

Post by brigitte Fri Sep 01, 2017 11:46 am


Last edited by brigitte on Fri Sep 01, 2017 11:49 am; edited 2 times in total

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Forgetting things? Confustion?  Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should === Empty Re: Forgetting things? Confustion? Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should ===

Post by brigitte Fri Sep 01, 2017 11:48 am

Some people cannot lower their cholesterol  by changing their diet so Lipitor it is.. Everyone in my family has very high cholesterol level.. that is the way our bodies work and except for me everyone is skinny however our ration is very good but the whole cholesterol always very high so we take 10mg of lipitor and it lowers the cholesterol...My mother stop taking lipitor at 85 and her cholesterol is 350.. but she is now 96 so .. as she says we all have to die of something. She took Lipitor for about 40 years and survived it.. everyone is different.

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Forgetting things? Confustion?  Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should === Empty Re: Forgetting things? Confustion? Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should ===

Post by gringal Fri Sep 01, 2017 11:58 am

Agree that medication is indicated in some cases.  However, there are millions of people whose doctors have put them on those drugs almost automatically.  My husband, when told his cholesterol was high, asked the doctor if he could overcome it by dietary changes and the doc said "Yes, you could, but nobody does it".  In other words, people go on the drug and continue their eating habits, thinking that now they have "Kings X".

Your mom has super genes! Hope you inherited them.

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Forgetting things? Confustion?  Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should === Empty Re: Forgetting things? Confustion? Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should ===

Post by brigitte Fri Sep 01, 2017 12:14 pm

well she has a bunch of genes I rather not inherit... Very Happy

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Forgetting things? Confustion?  Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should === Empty Re: Forgetting things? Confustion? Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should ===

Post by Trailrunner Fri Sep 01, 2017 12:39 pm

My family history is exactly like yours, Brigitte, I also have to take it and get by with lowest dose. An important thing to remember about statins is they not only lower cholesterol but inflammation as well.
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Forgetting things? Confustion?  Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should === Empty Re: Forgetting things? Confustion? Lowering your cholestorol? Maybe you should ===

Post by Clueless Sun Sep 10, 2017 11:16 am

I tried the diet to lower cholesterol, and it didn't work. My M.D. wanted me to start w/80mg. I didn't like that so I took the 80mg. and cut them into 1/4 and take 20mg. Now I have several bottles of generic pipitor that I will never use.

And when I Google any medical question/issue, I always put "Mayo" at the end. This way the first results I get are from the Mayo Clinic, a respected source of info.

You cal also try Pubmed It is pretty technical but the opening Synopsis is usuallythe synopsis is sifficient for me.
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