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interested in meeting recent and long time residents for breakfast/lunch/dinner/tea/coffee

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interested in meeting recent and long time residents for breakfast/lunch/dinner/tea/coffee Empty interested in meeting recent and long time residents for breakfast/lunch/dinner/tea/coffee

Post by snaimpally Sat Sep 30, 2017 9:50 am

My wife and I are going to be arriving on the 4th and are staying for a week. We are Canadians but have spent the last 20 years in Texas (Dallas and Austin). We are interested in talking to people about the area. I have done a lot of research and already have an idea, but that is no substitute for talking to people who actually live in a place, hence our visit. If you are interested in meeting, please PM me and lets schedule something. We are staying at Casita Montana.

Shiv Naimpally and Meredith Frauzel


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interested in meeting recent and long time residents for breakfast/lunch/dinner/tea/coffee Empty Re: interested in meeting recent and long time residents for breakfast/lunch/dinner/tea/coffee

Post by Trailrunner Sat Sep 30, 2017 10:04 am

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interested in meeting recent and long time residents for breakfast/lunch/dinner/tea/coffee Empty Re: interested in meeting recent and long time residents for breakfast/lunch/dinner/tea/coffee

Post by snaimpally Sat Sep 30, 2017 3:14 pm

Trailrunner wrote:Welcome.

Thanks! We are looking forward to our visit.


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interested in meeting recent and long time residents for breakfast/lunch/dinner/tea/coffee Empty Re: interested in meeting recent and long time residents for breakfast/lunch/dinner/tea/coffee

Post by JayBear Sat Sep 30, 2017 3:31 pm

Always happy to welcome newcomers. You are wise to consult with long-term residents: the first months are uphill with a lot of learning, if you have not lived in Mexico before. A few people get the wind up and leave, and a lot of people miss their kids and grandkids and leave. Your first 3 to 6 months here are very important in determining whether you will stay. Take it easy and don't make any quick decisions! Me, I moved here 12 years ago this Halloween, and I have never regretted it. Where are you planning to live?

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interested in meeting recent and long time residents for breakfast/lunch/dinner/tea/coffee Empty Re: interested in meeting recent and long time residents for breakfast/lunch/dinner/tea/coffee

Post by RickS Sat Sep 30, 2017 5:21 pm

If no one takes you up on a 'personal sit-down', make sure you go to the LCS, Lake Chapala Society, grounds. Generally plenty of folks to talk to there....
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interested in meeting recent and long time residents for breakfast/lunch/dinner/tea/coffee Empty Re: interested in meeting recent and long time residents for breakfast/lunch/dinner/tea/coffee

Post by Gogo Sun Oct 01, 2017 1:36 pm

Just sent you a PM. Happy to meet with you.


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Join date : 2015-08-20

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interested in meeting recent and long time residents for breakfast/lunch/dinner/tea/coffee Empty Re: interested in meeting recent and long time residents for breakfast/lunch/dinner/tea/coffee

Post by snaimpally Sun Oct 01, 2017 2:14 pm

JayBear wrote:Always happy to welcome newcomers. You are wise to consult with long-term residents: the first months are uphill with a lot of learning, if you have not lived in Mexico before. A few people get the wind up and leave, and a lot of people miss their kids and grandkids and leave. Your first 3 to 6 months here are very important in determining whether you will stay. Take it easy and don't make any quick decisions! Me, I moved here 12 years ago this Halloween, and I have never regretted it. Where are you planning to live?

Thanks. Neither my wife nor I have kids. Our relatives are mostly in Canada and so we are hoping most will come to visit us in Mexico due to the weather. I always prefer to rent first before buying. In addition, I am not sure I want to tie up a lot of capital in a house. Renting makes more sense right now. I think the biggest change will be getting used to the slower pace. A lot of what I have read about Mexico and Central America reminds me of India - tasks that can be quickly and easily achieved in the US/Canada require you to stand in line for a long time in Latin countries, people quote you a "Gringo price" vs the regular price, bargaining for products and services is common, etc.

For this trip, we are trying to get a feel for Ajijic and decide whether its right for us. Assuming we like it, we will come back next year to find a place to rent. I'd appreciate any recommendations you have regarding places to live. I have read that Chapala itself can be a bit noisy during certain times of the year etc. and that its better to live a little out of town. I am hoping some idea of where the better areas to live are so any suggestions you have are most welcome.


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interested in meeting recent and long time residents for breakfast/lunch/dinner/tea/coffee Empty Re: interested in meeting recent and long time residents for breakfast/lunch/dinner/tea/coffee

Post by snaimpally Sun Oct 01, 2017 2:15 pm

RickS wrote:If no one takes you up on a 'personal sit-down', make sure you go to the LCS, Lake Chapala Society, grounds. Generally plenty of folks to talk to there....

I had read that and we will make sure and head to LCS one day - thanks


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interested in meeting recent and long time residents for breakfast/lunch/dinner/tea/coffee Empty Re: interested in meeting recent and long time residents for breakfast/lunch/dinner/tea/coffee

Post by snaimpally Sun Oct 01, 2017 2:38 pm

Thanks to all that have responded. Since we are only in town for a week, our schedule looks pretty full now. Assuming we like it, we will come back again soon for more visits. Austin-GDL is a direct 2.5 hour flight via Volaris.


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interested in meeting recent and long time residents for breakfast/lunch/dinner/tea/coffee Empty Re: interested in meeting recent and long time residents for breakfast/lunch/dinner/tea/coffee

Post by dixonge Sun Oct 01, 2017 6:49 pm

snaimpally wrote:Thanks to all that have responded.  Since we are only in town for a week, our schedule looks pretty full now.  Assuming we like it, we will come back again soon for more visits.  Austin-GDL is a direct 2.5 hour flight via Volaris.

We just made that flight on Aug. 30 (one-way). Hope you enjoy your visit.
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interested in meeting recent and long time residents for breakfast/lunch/dinner/tea/coffee Empty Re: interested in meeting recent and long time residents for breakfast/lunch/dinner/tea/coffee

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