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Fire at Walmart

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Fire at Walmart Empty Fire at Walmart

Post by Charliej Wed Oct 18, 2017 1:16 pm

I went grocery shopping this morning around eleven at Walmart.  There was a faint odor of smoke.  I thought that someone had been smoking near the door.  By the time I was done shopping the smoke odor was very strong.  There was quite a bit of smoke in the air too.  Easily visible if you looked across the store.  Most of the employees were wearing masks.  There was someone at each emergency exit and alarms kept going off.  When I was leaving, the Bomberos were arriving.  There were two trucks of Bomberos responding.  I never saw any flames but the smoke was very thick at the end.
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Fire at Walmart Empty Re: Fire at Walmart

Post by viejito Wed Oct 18, 2017 5:37 pm

Several years ago we walked up to the front of a Walmart in Puerto Vallarta and there was a fellow there directing shoppers to enter only via the right hand side. There was a blue tarp hanging to the left where the checkouts were. We asked what was going on. "Oh, a guy just died after checking out but before he got to the door." Oh, sorry, we'll come back later. "No problem, they'll have him out by the time you're ready to check out, pasale, pasale." We knew we weren't in Kansas.

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