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Does anyone not have water in their pool

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Does anyone not have water in their pool Empty Does anyone not have water in their pool

Post by hogline Thu Nov 02, 2017 2:41 pm

We are renting a house with a pool again this year. Last year the Gardner had to keep adding water because of a leak somewhere, the water pump ran a lot because of that and the pool was cold and never really clean. I was thinking of asking the owner if the pool could just be emptied so we did not waste the water and electricity but I do not know if damage would occur if left empty. If it were my property I would not have the pool but that is not my decision to make. Any thoughts?

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Does anyone not have water in their pool Empty Re: Does anyone not have water in their pool

Post by suegarn Thu Nov 02, 2017 5:51 pm

hogline wrote:We are renting a house with a pool again this year.  Last year the Gardner had to keep adding water because of a leak somewhere, the water pump ran a lot because of that and the pool was cold and never really clean.  I was thinking of asking the owner if the pool could just be emptied so we did not waste the water and electricity but I do not know if damage would occur if left empty.  If it were my property I would not have the pool but that is not my decision to make.  Any thoughts?

I think that your first course of action would have to be talking with the owner of the property. As you said, it is their decision to make, not yours. Get in touch with them asap.

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Does anyone not have water in their pool Empty Re: Does anyone not have water in their pool

Post by slainte39 Thu Nov 02, 2017 6:50 pm

If the leak is outside the pool in the lines leading to the intakes or from the skimmer, bottom drain, or vacuum drain, then the pressure from the expanded wet soil could damage the walls of the pool if emptied.  Even if completely dry around the outside of the pool, there would be pressure on the walls that was formerly equalized by the pressure of the water in the pool.  
Depends on the amount of rebar and concrete in the pool walls.

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Does anyone not have water in their pool Empty Re: Does anyone not have water in their pool

Post by hogline Thu Nov 02, 2017 7:08 pm

I had a thought that emptying the pool could cause damage, thanks for your answers.

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Does anyone not have water in their pool Empty Re: Does anyone not have water in their pool

Post by Trailrunner Thu Nov 02, 2017 7:10 pm

Yeah. Best to just go with the flow.  So to speak.
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Does anyone not have water in their pool Empty Re: Does anyone not have water in their pool

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