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Occidentale Hospital, Zapopan

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Occidentale Hospital, Zapopan Empty Occidentale Hospital, Zapopan

Post by CHILLIN Fri Nov 17, 2017 11:54 am

Spent the last 8 days in Occidentale Hospital in Zapopan, entered as an emergency patient. There is a street it is on, and is well known as this name too. I do not have it handy. Anyways, this is a tier 2 public hospital which accepts Seguro Popular insurance. Tier 2 means it has a full gas operating room, ultrasound, xray, and few other speciality pieces of equipment. It is not new, in fact it is a little run down, but it is clean and everything seems to work. I have visited public hospitals in Canada (the only type allowed) which were more run down. The amazing thing is the amount of staff there, it must also be a teaching hospital of some type. These public hospitals give a lot of power to the social worker, and they try to necessitate a family member or hireling to stay with you. This is not for English translation, as I originally thought -most people in Guadalajara speak English, some more than others. A surprising discovery, although I did improve my Spanish quite significantly - I knew that point when an intern doctor commented that he couldn't place my accent. No -you need someone along to help the nurses with (your) trash, etc. I went in because I was diagnosed with heart failure,causing edema. Now they are saying enlarged heart. Anyways I lost 15 kilos at home in two weeks, they put me in hospital to lose faster (IV drips, etc). So in 8 days another 15 kilos. So who is the diet king now -30- kilo, 65 lbs in three weeks.! Multiple blood tests 5 EkGs, 1 ultrasound - the social worker went over everything -zero cost. I still hate hospitals, but maybe this will give comfort to some.
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Occidentale Hospital, Zapopan Empty Re: Occidentale Hospital, Zapopan

Post by David Fri Nov 17, 2017 1:51 pm

Wishing a speedy recovery to you!
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