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question about obtaining RFC# online

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question about obtaining RFC# online Empty question about obtaining RFC# online

Post by donenrique Tue Jan 16, 2018 5:10 pm

I am trying to obtain an RFC# online using my CURP#.  I have my residente permanente and with my husband, purchased and own a home in Ajijic  My Spanish is ok, but I hit the question which asked  "Tiene fuente de ingresos en territorio nacional?"  which I translated as "do I have a source of income in the national territory?"  National territory means Mexico, right?  Here I have questions.  

My only income is monthly social security which is sent to a bank in the US and then I transfer down to a Mexican bank as needed.  To my thinking, this is not Mexican income.  However, when I answer "no" I cannot choose Mexico from the drop-down menu as to where I live.  If I answer "yes" Mexico as my residence country is filled in and then it asks for the date that my income began.  After that, I can select that I am retired and that is the source of my income.

I am unsure as to how I should be answering.  How have others answered these questions?

Thanks in advance.


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question about obtaining RFC# online Empty Re: question about obtaining RFC# online

Post by Ezzie Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:39 am

Answer "No" and select the US. You complete the address of where you live in Mexico further up the form.

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question about obtaining RFC# online Empty Re: question about obtaining RFC# online

Post by donenrique Sat Jan 20, 2018 8:05 pm

Gracias. Was able to complete and get my number!


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question about obtaining RFC# online Empty Re: question about obtaining RFC# online

Post by ndee Tue Apr 03, 2018 4:55 pm

I need to get the RFC number, too. However, I think that I will need to sell my apartment a few years later. And I also need to pay taxes on my income that I'm getting from outside Mexico.
Does that mean that I need to answer "Si" to "¿Tiene fuente de ingresos en territorio nacional?"
I wonder if answering "Si" makes the process of getting the RFC number harder or longer?
Or should I answer "No" now and then somehow fix the RFC later (if it's possible)?


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question about obtaining RFC# online Empty Re: question about obtaining RFC# online

Post by Gamina Tue Apr 03, 2018 5:16 pm

You pay taxes to the country where your income originates. If living in Mexico and getting retirement or SS or other income from the US, you pay US taxes.
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question about obtaining RFC# online Empty Re: question about obtaining RFC# online

Post by ndee Tue Apr 03, 2018 6:00 pm

Gamina wrote:You pay taxes to the country where your income originates
Why do you think so? AFAIK, you pay the taxes in the country where you're a fiscal resident. The US is a notable exception, because they always tax their citizens wherever they live, but most countries don't do that. (And I'm not a US citizen).


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question about obtaining RFC# online Empty Re: question about obtaining RFC# online

Post by ferret Tue Apr 03, 2018 8:08 pm

Gamina is correct. I'm Canadian and all my income originates in Canada but I've lived in Mexico full time for a long time. I pay my income taxes to Canada.
Since you seem to be a doubting person, I would suggest that you get your information from a professional source and not rely on a web forum.
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question about obtaining RFC# online Empty Re: question about obtaining RFC# online

Post by ndee Tue Apr 03, 2018 8:14 pm

ferret wrote:I'm Canadian and all my income originates in Canada but I've lived in Mexico full time for a long time. I pay my income taxes to Canada.
I'm not Canadian. It seems your country is an exclusion from the normal rules, too. See "Tax residence".

ferret wrote:I would suggest that you get your information from a professional source
Can you suggest one?


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question about obtaining RFC# online Empty Re: question about obtaining RFC# online

Post by ferret Tue Apr 03, 2018 8:28 pm

No, I can't suggest one because I went through all this crap in 1998 when we became officially non-residents of Canada.
But it is one of the reasons why we chose not to become citizens of Mexico and remain "Inmigrados" (that was the term used before Residente Permanente).
Good luck.
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question about obtaining RFC# online Empty Re: question about obtaining RFC# online

Post by gringal Tue Apr 03, 2018 8:34 pm

Spencer McMullen, the attorney in Chapala, should be able to settle this question for you.

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question about obtaining RFC# online Empty Re: question about obtaining RFC# online

Post by ndee Tue Apr 03, 2018 8:56 pm

gringal wrote:Spencer McMullen, the attorney in Chapala, should be able to settle this question for you.
Well, that's some 350+ km from me.


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question about obtaining RFC# online Empty Re: question about obtaining RFC# online

Post by ferret Tue Apr 03, 2018 9:16 pm

Then why are you posting on a local Chapala Forum?

You don't say where you're from, where you live or from where your income is derived.
I'd say you're a troll and I am now done with you.
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question about obtaining RFC# online Empty Re: question about obtaining RFC# online

Post by solajijic Tue Apr 03, 2018 9:33 pm

So how about someone sharing the RFC# online link? Gracias.

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question about obtaining RFC# online Empty Re: question about obtaining RFC# online

Post by ndee Tue Apr 03, 2018 10:44 pm

ferret wrote:Then why are you posting on a local Chapala Forum?

You don't say where you're from, where you live or from where your income is derived.
I'd say you're a troll and I am now done with you.
Well, information doesn't have the boundaries :) I'm in Puerto Vallarta.


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question about obtaining RFC# online Empty Re: question about obtaining RFC# online

Post by Rosa Venus Tue Apr 03, 2018 10:53 pm

Oops. Can't delete. See below.

Last edited by Rosa Venus on Tue Apr 03, 2018 11:11 pm; edited 2 times in total
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question about obtaining RFC# online Empty Re: question about obtaining RFC# online

Post by Rosa Venus Tue Apr 03, 2018 10:55 pm

solajijic wrote:So how about someone sharing the RFC# online link?  Gracias.


Ciao for now!
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