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Another "Gotcha" from Volaras.

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Another "Gotcha" from Volaras. Empty Another "Gotcha" from Volaras.

Post by Clueless Thu Jan 18, 2018 9:19 am

I have flown Volaras several times, always happy.

Went to book a R/T a few days ago. Price OK. Did the form online and then was told if I wanted to "Confirm" the reservation, it was another US$ 9.17. After checking, what I would get without the "Confirm," was a reservation that was basically a standby. I wasn't confirmed for the flight. So I took the Confirmation.

So I look online for my charge (used my VISA CC) and it only showed the US$9.17, nothing for the flight.

Then I get an email from Volaras saying I should pay my bill in pesos. The website took my US$ CC and prices were posted in US$.

Wife called customer (dis)service. We want to pay in US$ as the peso charge converted to over US$100 more. So C.S. says OK, we can pay in US$, BUT since my original confirmed reservation, the price went u over US$100 to about US$145.00

My wife would not tell the C.S. rep. what I said to say to that.

We are now booked on Delta, and I'm not only going to dispute the US$9.17 on my CC (not pending) but look for Volaris to give me the difference in price from what it agreed and what I paid to Delta.

Sorry, I have to use that unpopular term, "Principle of the thing."

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Another "Gotcha" from Volaras. Empty Re: Another "Gotcha" from Volaras.

Post by sm1mex Thu Jan 18, 2018 11:13 am

We avoid volaris. charges you for everything, even a coke.

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Another "Gotcha" from Volaras. Empty Re: Another "Gotcha" from Volaras.

Post by brigitte Thu Jan 18, 2018 2:40 pm

All the discount airlines charge for everything they can think of but for me who flies back and forth to Chiapas without any luggage it is worth it. I got a 946 ticket this morning GDL TUXtla GDL , the bus is 2800 pesos 1400 if I can get the Insen discount..

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Another "Gotcha" from Volaras. Empty Re: Another "Gotcha" from Volaras.

Post by rvanparys Fri Jan 19, 2018 7:35 am

We won't fly Volaris again... We tried to pay for an extra bag online ($64)... The website wouldn't work. When we got to the airport the charge was $100 for the extra bag... The agent was kind enough to mention that if I used the website it would only be $64!

I don't remember laughing....

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Another "Gotcha" from Volaras. Empty Re: Another "Gotcha" from Volaras.

Post by Clueless Fri Jan 19, 2018 9:50 am

Ditto with the website not working.

My wife called customer service and said the CC was accepted and we should get the price when we paid. No deal.

Now, the US$9.17 is still on my CC statement, so I'll dispute that. I'm also going to try to get the different between the quote and what I'm now paying for Delta.

Volaras flys out of the U.S. so the U.S. has some jurisdiction.

Too bad, because I have used Volaras half-dozen times before with very good experience.

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Another "Gotcha" from Volaras. Empty Re: Another "Gotcha" from Volaras.

Post by D-D Fri Jan 19, 2018 10:51 am

rvanparys wrote:We won't fly Volaris again... We tried to pay for an extra bag online ($64)... The website wouldn't work. When we got to the airport the charge was $100 for the extra bag... The agent was kind enough to mention that if I used the website it would only be $64!

I don't remember laughing....

We were in Merida this week and when I received an email that it was time to check in for the return flight I couldn't access their website. I replied to the email, tried the app, and the website. I'd get a message that the web was down or it just wouldn't go. We both tried with both our phones and tablets. Hours before the flight my partner was able to get on and retrieve passes for both of us.
I've booked a flight to Orlando in March and looked at Volaris, but the times were bad, the days they flew were limited, the cost wasn't great by the time we added all the extras, and now with the faulty website I'm glad we're using United instead. Even though we'll have a two hour layover in Houston, United has great on board entertainment to make the flight more enjoyable.


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Another "Gotcha" from Volaras. Empty Re: Another "Gotcha" from Volaras.

Post by RickS Fri Jan 19, 2018 9:00 pm

I know this is a Post to bash Volaris... and I did my part earlier about the website, but..... just flew Volaris from Denver to Guadalajara today. Only paid $150 and that was with my pick of a seat and #1 boarding. Super nice folks at counter and on plane; left the gate on time; really nice Steward(s) and stewardists; good flight but Terrribly thin seat bottoms (newer plane); arrived 30 minutes before scheduled time. This is about how it goes each time I fly them this route.....

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Another "Gotcha" from Volaras. Empty Re: Another "Gotcha" from Volaras.

Post by rvanparys Sat Jan 20, 2018 7:25 am

While offering low prices is a way to attract customers, perhaps Volaris and other airlines should start adding services and, yes charge for them. Flying is not much fun anymore and the airline that reduces the pain gets my dollar..

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Another "Gotcha" from Volaras. Empty Re: Another "Gotcha" from Volaras.

Post by CanuckBob Sat Jan 20, 2018 7:55 am

A couple of years ago I flew Volaris to Phoenix. The return flight to GDL was scheduled to depart at 2pm. I was in the bar and around midnight I received the "time to check in" email for the 6:00am flight. They changed the departure time by 8 hours with no notice or anything. The flight was only 1/2 full so I guess many people missed the flight.

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Another "Gotcha" from Volaras. Empty Re: Another "Gotcha" from Volaras.

Post by SunFan Sat Jan 20, 2018 12:25 pm

Eight of us were scheduled for a flight to Cabo for fishing last spring when without notification 10 days before the flight Volaris changed all our flights to the next day. Lucky someone noticed in time to alter hotel arrangements.

Volaris would/could not provide an explanation. Bastards.

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Another "Gotcha" from Volaras. Empty Re: Another "Gotcha" from Volaras.

Post by Fastfox Sun Jan 21, 2018 4:23 pm

Volaris stinks. There is no such thing as customer service. I hope we will always have a better option.
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Another "Gotcha" from Volaras. Empty Re: Another "Gotcha" from Volaras.

Post by Clueless Fri Jan 26, 2018 4:20 pm

All of this crapola with airlines can be traced right back to the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978, that essentially let airlines do anything they want and blocked people from suing them except for breach of contract and personal injuries (Mass Torts).

Now, with a president who sleeps w/bug business, it won't be changing, at least not during my lifetime or his.

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Another "Gotcha" from Volaras. Empty Volaris app

Post by bill_D Mon Feb 05, 2018 9:58 am

I have been able to use the Volaris app when the web site was down.


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Another "Gotcha" from Volaras. Empty Re: Another "Gotcha" from Volaras.

Post by kismet Fri Feb 09, 2018 10:41 am

I certainly don't doubt one of these stories.
I do know if you call 0 155 1102 800 at the earliest time, 6 am, customer service will help you, in Mexico City.

You can also call the American customer service at
1 855 865 2747 It's a USA number, Skype will do it.

Volaris website advertises incredible bargains, usually good only if you buy that day or the next.
The website jammed on me, just impossible to get that $70 one-way USD Guad to Seattle.

I wonder if they let you book these specials through the customer service numbers?

I did call the customer service on another thing, and they solved my problem.

I've never had a problem with them and flew several times. But things have changed. They used to allow two free checked bags! Several years ago they didn't even charge my son when he checked in my husband's guitar. That was then!


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Another "Gotcha" from Volaras. Empty Re: Another "Gotcha" from Volaras.

Post by kismet Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:29 am

bill_D wrote:I have been able to use the Volaris app when the web site was down.

That gives me the idea to try the app. Thanks.


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Another "Gotcha" from Volaras. Empty Re: Another "Gotcha" from Volaras.

Post by MexiMiss Tue Feb 13, 2018 3:23 pm

Have loved V., but recently, either the website was faulty, didn't take my password, didn't allow me to reset it, phones were only working inetermittantly, chat did not work, then the phones were out when I tried to call back, rescheduling of a flight (after I had originally paid for that extra service) was not possible online, then the fares for the new flight (when I finally got through on the phones), had gone way up, then they would not give me the Vclub fare I was entitled to, and all this only took me from 11 PM to 4 AM! I will not fly them again, and they do not care.


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Another "Gotcha" from Volaras. Empty Re: Another "Gotcha" from Volaras.

Post by TooMuchCoffee Sat Feb 24, 2018 11:54 am

My wife once volunteered to courier some mail from LCS back to the US.  Since she didn't want to risk losing all that mail she chose not to pack it into her luggage.  Of course, Volaris charged her a fee for "extra luggage".

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Another "Gotcha" from Volaras. Empty Re: Another "Gotcha" from Volaras.

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