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Tour of Chapala Neighborhoods

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Tour of Chapala Neighborhoods - Page 2 Empty Re: Tour of Chapala Neighborhoods

Post by slainte39 Fri Feb 16, 2018 10:59 pm

ferret wrote:Panino's isn't even open on a Saturday or Sunday but, when I go there, there are always Mexicans in there.
imho, the Gaucheria would do well to be open on Saturday and Sunday because of the extra parking that a closed Panino's provides. That logic seems to have escaped them completely. ;)

I would be willing to bet serious money that her business is 90% foreign, 10% Mexican.
Eat there, and before in La Montana, 2 or 3 times a week, for at least 20 years.
The food is good for lunch (I'm hooked on her soups).....AND it's the closest to my house.   Very Happy
Best and only Irish stew in Mexico (once a month).  Bollocks!!!!     Oh well, carne in su jugo, the rest of the time when I'm in that frame of mind.

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Tour of Chapala Neighborhoods - Page 2 Empty Re: Tour of Chapala Neighborhoods

Post by esga Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:05 am

Well, Trailrunner, we visited both Ajjijic and Chapala last summer and preferred Chapala. Sorry if that doesn't sit well with some. Having spent a year following this and TOB to learn all I can, and joining FB groups later, I agree that there are a lot of pretty clueless newbies. I hope we are not all the same.


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Tour of Chapala Neighborhoods - Page 2 Empty Re: Tour of Chapala Neighborhoods

Post by Trailrunner Mon Feb 19, 2018 10:25 am

Good job, esga! That already puts you light years ahead. Let us know if/when you get here. Bienvenidos.
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Tour of Chapala Neighborhoods - Page 2 Empty Re: Tour of Chapala Neighborhoods

Post by Lady Otter Latté Mon Feb 19, 2018 10:38 am

esga wrote:Well, Trailrunner, we visited both Ajjijic and Chapala last summer and preferred Chapala.  Sorry if that doesn't sit well with some. Having spent a year following this and TOB to learn all I can, and joining FB groups later, I agree that there are a lot of pretty clueless newbies.  I hope we are not all the same.  

All newbies are not the same. We are seeing right now an uptick in the clueless, entitled kind but I have recently met some newcomers who are wonderful additions to the community.
Lady Otter Latté
Lady Otter Latté
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Tour of Chapala Neighborhoods - Page 2 Empty Re: Tour of Chapala Neighborhoods

Post by WillieRae Mon Feb 19, 2018 3:12 pm

I would want to remind the newbies and some of the not so new to remember that FLEXIBILTY is good for mental health!

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Tour of Chapala Neighborhoods - Page 2 Empty Re: Tour of Chapala Neighborhoods

Post by esga Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:44 am

I think an awful lot of clueless newbies are on Facebook. I can't help complaining here about a post I saw this morning from people who are coming to prospect and want to meet expats someplace where they can listen to rock and roll. I love rock and roll too, but I would never make that my first request in any other country - gave me the impression they don't know moving from US to Mexico is different from moving from Ohio to Pennsylvania. Sigh. But, many of them won't last. I have traveled to 38 countries and worked in over 20 of them. I value the community among Anglophone expats, especially as I age and my hearing gets worse - I know I will need that community as I get older. But I don't want to live in a bubble.


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