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Chapala neighborhoods

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Chapala neighborhoods Empty Chapala neighborhoods

Post by ccw Wed Feb 14, 2018 10:54 am

CanuckBob, i am in Chapala. Do you have any recommendations of neighborhoods within walking distance i could see?

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Chapala neighborhoods Empty Re: Chapala neighborhoods

Post by Trailrunner Wed Feb 14, 2018 11:12 am

The question that begs to be answered is: why don't you just walk around and see for yourself? If you are disabled, I apologize, but I'm looking at a avatar of a man with horses. . .  Or, hire a taxi at the plaza? Walking distance of what?

Anything could change in a year from now.
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Chapala neighborhoods Empty Re: Chapala neighborhoods

Post by CanuckBob Wed Feb 14, 2018 2:39 pm

I am not that knowledgeable about neighborhoods within Chapala. Neighborhoods outside Chapala such as Riberas and Chula Vista would be the closest but about a 4 km walk.

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Location : Lake Chapala (from Vancouver)
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Chapala neighborhoods Empty Re: Chapala neighborhoods

Post by ccw Wed Feb 14, 2018 2:52 pm

Thanks Bob.

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Chapala neighborhoods Empty Re: Chapala neighborhoods

Post by kismet Thu Feb 15, 2018 6:16 am

I'd get a map first. Chapala Centro has pretty old mansions on Niños Heros. Morelos has recently been renovated, and everyone seems to have new paint, besides the street and sidewalk new. I would walk the Malecon to Gonzalez Gallo and go into Parque Christina.], walk along the new pathway next to the lake.

Going along Madero, itś interesting to see all the shops. You can wander off sidestreets to residential areas.

If youŕe able to climb, you could go into barrio San Miguel, above Madero.

On Monday, you could go to the market far up Madero, past the soccer field. You can tell where it is, kind of across from Soriania, and there will be people headed that way on a Monday.

Thereś plenty of places to explore. Thatś about all the help I have. Funny thing is, behind some of the smallest residential doors, are walkways, with courtyards and gardens.


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Chapala neighborhoods Empty Re: Chapala neighborhoods

Post by Trailrunner Thu Feb 15, 2018 6:37 am

Very nice, kismet. I would only add talk to everyone. Ask questions of everyone you meet along the way. Sit in the plaza and absorb Chapala and watch Mexican life go by. It"s called exploring.

So glad I got here well before Facebook came along. Back in those days I walked all over the place, dictionary in hand, talking to everyone and asking all my questions. Some of those people became friends and have remained so!
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