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How can I pre pay my utility bills

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How can I pre pay my utility bills Empty How can I pre pay my utility bills

Post by twelveoaks Fri Mar 02, 2018 9:44 am

We travel a great deal and paying my utility bills on time is a problem.

A friend told me he simply went to TelMex and CFE and pre loaded a few thousand pesos in his account and they pay his bills when they come due and subtract the proper amount.

I have also been told that if I open a Bancomer account they will do the same thing but I do not wish to associate with Bancomer for various reasons.

So... has anyone done the pre load at TelMex and CFE and, if so how did you do it ??


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How can I pre pay my utility bills Empty Re: How can I pre pay my utility bills

Post by brigitte Fri Mar 02, 2018 9:55 am

Just open an bank account in Mexico with ay bank and bank on line..

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How can I pre pay my utility bills Empty Re: How can I pre pay my utility bills

Post by CanuckBob Fri Mar 02, 2018 10:13 am

I have over paid both those utilities at some time and the extra value is applied to the next bill(s).

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How can I pre pay my utility bills Empty Re: How can I pre pay my utility bills

Post by brigitte Fri Mar 02, 2018 10:47 am

The only thing I prepay is the water because they give discounts otherwise I pay when it is due.. no prepaying without discount for me.

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How can I pre pay my utility bills Empty Re: How can I pre pay my utility bills

Post by REC Sat Mar 03, 2018 9:08 am

For CFE I just go to the kiosk/machine in front of the CFE office in Chapala. I use a previous bill to scan the barcode and then add a little bit over the highest bill I have received just to be safe. It gets applied to the next bill and any overage gets carried forward as a credit. Very easy and works like a charm.

I haven't needed to do that with Telmex but I would imagine you could go to the office and do the same thing.

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How can I pre pay my utility bills Empty cfe

Post by alisunsmom Sat Mar 03, 2018 9:40 am

REC wrote:For CFE I just go to the kiosk/machine in front of the CFE office in Chapala. I use a previous bill to scan the barcode and then add a little bit over the highest bill I have received just to be safe. It gets applied to the next bill and any overage gets carried forward as a credit. Very easy and works like a charm.

I haven't needed to do that with Telmex but I would imagine you could go to the office and do the same thing.

I pay my bill at Walmart and they take the bar code when I pay. I could , however download a previous bill on my computer with the bar code if that would work.



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