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Sheetrock - using sheetrock as a building material lakeside

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Sheetrock - using sheetrock as a building material lakeside - Page 2 Empty Re: Sheetrock - using sheetrock as a building material lakeside

Post by ferret Fri Mar 09, 2018 2:32 pm

The house we lived in Ontario, just outside Thornbury, was 125 years old when we bought it in 1987. The basement walls were 3 feet thick stone and the walls (believe it or not) were slip form concrete and a foot thick. Lathe and plaster inside but the only insulation was in the attic. It was cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Almost like an above ground bomb shelter. There could be a howling blizzard going on outside but you didn't hear a thing inside. Perfectly placed too because the sun went right over the house in summer but hung low enough in winter to flood the house with sunshine on the south side. Not a single window on the west side.
They sure knew a thing or two about construction way back when. imho.

Had a combination wood burning/electric furnace in the basement. The electric only kicked in if the fire went out. It was kinda primeval going down there every morning, stirring the red hot ashes in the cast iron fire box and throwing in 3 logs (not split) about 18 inches in length and 8 to 10 inches in diameter. Close the door and walk away for 12 hours. Incredibly efficient.

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Sheetrock - using sheetrock as a building material lakeside - Page 2 Empty Re: Sheetrock - using sheetrock as a building material lakeside

Post by Clete Fri Mar 09, 2018 2:55 pm

CHILLIN wrote:
Its been true in every house in Mexico that I have lived in. In the one now, for example, you can see where all the tiles were custom cut to fit the "wobbles". This also why cabinet makers are in such high demand in Mexico - every installation is a custom job. If you want to live in a paper and plastic cracker box -go ahead.

So how many homes have you lived in here?

The really stupid part of your previous post was "everything is eyeballed, they don't measure anything".  

Btw, I had a custom woodworking business here for over 35 years until I retired and gave it to my son. I also built between 1 and 4 homes a year and remodeled countless others starting in the early 80s until I retired 2 years ago.

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Sheetrock - using sheetrock as a building material lakeside - Page 2 Empty Re: Sheetrock - using sheetrock as a building material lakeside

Post by CHILLIN Fri Mar 09, 2018 3:47 pm

I have only lived in two Mexican homes.
Lots of work done, but I have seen a laser level, a glass level, or even a plumb bob.
I have seen lots of wavy concrete and even wavy bricks.
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Sheetrock - using sheetrock as a building material lakeside - Page 2 Empty Re: Sheetrock - using sheetrock as a building material lakeside

Post by Sherman Fri Mar 09, 2018 7:06 pm

I'm really interested in knowing where your son's custom woodworking business is? And, who is he?
good time to advertise ...


Clete wrote:
CHILLIN wrote:
Its been true in every house in Mexico that I have lived in. In the one now, for example, you can see where all the tiles were custom cut to fit the "wobbles". This also why cabinet makers are in such high demand in Mexico - every installation is a custom job. If you want to live in a paper and plastic cracker box -go ahead.

So how many homes have you lived in here?

The really stupid part of your previous post was "everything is eyeballed, they don't measure anything".    

Btw, I had a custom woodworking business here for over 35 years until I retired and gave it to my son. I also built between 1 and 4 homes a year and remodeled countless others starting in the early 80s until I retired 2 years ago.  

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