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"closed for renovations" or for new software

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"closed for renovations" or for new software Empty "closed for renovations" or for new software

Post by benjji Tue Apr 03, 2018 8:25 am

I have noticed a pattern here at Lakeside and that is....a "closed for renovations" sign usually means....we are out of business but we need to move away before you figure that out.

So, it may mean the same when a post states "we are installing new software".....if it takes more than a week....then I think the site is "closed for renovations." In this case, however, the former "mighty mouth" or Grand Mufti has chosen to remain behind.

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"closed for renovations" or for new software Empty Re: "closed for renovations" or for new software

Post by Lady Otter Latté Tue Apr 03, 2018 10:36 am

The Grand Mufti is now holding court on local group Facebook pages. However, he does not (yet) hold any administrative positions so he cannot make a long statement and then lock a thread behind him. Poor Mufti has to put up with people contradicting him, a couple of them (gasp, shudder) females and (even worse) liberals. He mutters, “We’ll have to agree to disagree” as he tiptoes out of the discussion. It lacks the pizazz of an impassioned restatement of his beliefs and prejudices followed by a firm, “This thread is locked.” But until his kingdom is restored it is all he has.
Lady Otter Latté
Lady Otter Latté
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"closed for renovations" or for new software Empty Re: "closed for renovations" or for new software

Post by RickS Tue Apr 03, 2018 12:22 pm

This is the kind of stuff I’d expect to see on TOB......
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"closed for renovations" or for new software Empty Re: "closed for renovations" or for new software

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