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Solar and CFE

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Solar and CFE Empty Solar and CFE

Post by CanuckBob Thu Apr 05, 2018 10:47 am

There was talk a while back that the CFE is no longer allowing solar customers to bank credits beyond 30 days. This could add significant time to the ROI. Has anyone confirmed this?

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Solar and CFE Empty Re: Solar and CFE

Post by ferret Thu Apr 05, 2018 10:52 am

At the moment, the status quo is the same for those small producing residential solar systems as it was previously. That was confirmed by Go Solar on TOB.
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Solar and CFE Empty Re: Solar and CFE

Post by ferret Thu Apr 05, 2018 11:00 am

On March 21st in the subject "Anyone Having This CFE problem", Go Solar wrote:
As of today we have still seen no reported changes to the net metering system and the strong belief is that all existing and new solar agreements for small residential and commercial accounts should continue unchanged, including the banking of kWh credits.

The changes proposed last year have created some confusion and concern, although they are essentially self-defining:

1 - net metering continues for both residential and small commercial accounts (to go up to 25 kW and 50 kW size limits, respectively, a nice increase to both from 10 and 25)

2 - net billing for system sizes from 50 to 500 kW

3 - straight "billing" (payment actually) for pure solar production farms that don't consume.

Finally, as frustrating and confusing as some of this may seem, it should be noted that the solar grid tied process in most of Mexico is still generally simpler, much more technically "open", far less bureaucratic, much lower cost, and much faster, than comparable ones in a lot of the US & C.

Read over the goals for solar connection and clean energy rates in the article link from the earlier post and much becomes clear; Mexico's intent is to be the undisputed leader in the western hemisphere in these areas.
That thread is currently on page 4 of all the threads.
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