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Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free

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Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free Empty Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free

Post by sm1mex Sat May 05, 2018 8:58 am

Traveling internationally with a Telcel phone, can I text or whatsapp any cell number world wide for free, with cellular data and roaming off and wi-fi connected.  Is roaming charge NOT necessary to text or whatsapp international phone numbers?  

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Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free Empty Re: Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free

Post by CanuckBob Sat May 05, 2018 9:15 am

Text may require data but whatsapp will work. I whatsapp a friend in Colombia.

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Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free Empty Re: Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free

Post by sm1mex Sat May 05, 2018 9:51 am

Thanks. I guess if text requires data, then it will prompt me to turn on my roaming.???

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Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free Empty Re: Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free

Post by sm1mex Sat May 05, 2018 9:54 am

Bob: When you what'sapp your friend, what prefix do you put before the actual cell phone number. Is it just the country code or do you have to put in additional numbers after the country code. Send me an example of how you call.
Ex: prefix-555-555-5555. Tnx.

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Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free Empty Re: Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free

Post by sm1mex Sat May 05, 2018 11:37 am

Also if I Whatsapp in Europe any where with wi-fi, will that be free?

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Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free Empty Re: Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free

Post by CanuckBob Sat May 05, 2018 11:42 am

You have to put in the complete number like you are dialing it. When I whatsapp Canada the number is 001 604 599 5999. A mexican number shows as +52 1 333 749 7800. If you try to text and it requires data it will tell you. Whatsapp connected to wifi is free anywhere in the world just like Skype and Facetime.

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Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free Empty Re: Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free

Post by sm1mex Sat May 05, 2018 12:09 pm

Ok. My friend in Europe that I will be whatsapping in Europe gave me the country code and the city code, then the cell phone number, so I guess I have to put in all of those numbers to get through. I will try it from here and see if I can connect. Trial and error !!

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Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free Empty Re: Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free

Post by sm1mex Sat May 05, 2018 12:11 pm

I know communicating to U.S. and Canada is free with Telcel, but I wasn't sure if in another foreign country, trying to whatsapp someone would be free.

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Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free Empty Re: Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free

Post by CanuckBob Sat May 05, 2018 1:12 pm

You should be able to simply find your friend on whatsapp and send the message. No need to type in anything. It already knows her number.

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Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free Empty Re: Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free

Post by MexicoPete Sat May 05, 2018 1:45 pm

sm1mex wrote:I know communicating to U.S. and Canada is free with Telcel, but I wasn't sure if in another foreign country, trying to whatsapp someone would be free.

For your information if you have the Telmex $389 package you can phone 50 countries for free. That is not WhatsApp but a great way to communicate. With Telcel if you have the right package you can only phone US and Canada for free. I am pretty sure, but not positive that there are no plans available with Telcel where you can phone most any country like Telmex offers
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Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free Empty Re: Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free

Post by brigitte Sat May 05, 2018 1:57 pm

I whatsapp with my family in France , so no problem but you have to put the number that is used for international calls,,In France for example the national calls all have a zero in front of the region like 02 06 etc but when you dial internationally you add the country code and drop the 0 in front of the region code..

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Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free Empty Re: Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free

Post by sm1mex Sat May 05, 2018 3:11 pm

I have whatsapped my friend in Ireland and had a reply successfully using wi-fi, so all is good.

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Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free Empty Re: Can you text or whatsapp international world wide with wi-fi for free

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