Ontario Forest Fires
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Ontario Forest Fires
I know that this web board is about Lakeside, but Lakediders should know that Ontario is experiencing an unusually high number of forest fires this summer.
Mexico has sent 20 - five man fire crews to assist other out of province firefighters.
With 28 fires out of control, Ontario gets help from U.S., Mexico, other provinces
Gracias y Viva Mexico....
Mexico has sent 20 - five man fire crews to assist other out of province firefighters.
With 28 fires out of control, Ontario gets help from U.S., Mexico, other provinces
Gracias y Viva Mexico....
Bill Phillips- Share Holder
- Posts : 501
Join date : 2010-04-17
Age : 80
Location : Trent Lakes Ont. in the summer - Chula Vista in the winter
Re: Ontario Forest Fires
There's a bad one. in Parry Sound that's threatening the Trans Canada Highway and a lot of cottage country.
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