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John McCain

espíritu del lago
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John McCain - Page 2 Empty Re: John McCain

Post by gringal Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:10 pm

That's pretty damning, all right.  I didn't vote for him when he ran for president because he was well known to be a Hawk, and since he was a Republican, I never expected him to vote for matters favored by the Democrats.  However, compared to some of the sleazebags such as the Twitterer and petty child who's been dissing him, McCain was a decent human being whose politics I simply never agreed with.
I have respected a number of people I strongly disagreed with and will continue to do so.  Also, I don't think it's appropriate to speak ill of the dead since they can't offer a defense. (I might change that opinion if the current occupant of the White House suffered a mortal stroke, though. I'm a sinner, too.)

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John McCain - Page 2 Empty Re: John McCain

Post by slainte39 Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:20 pm

ferret wrote:He bucked the repeal of Obama Care before his diagnosis... and that's not the first time he's strayed.

Yes, he didn't earn his title of RHINO from the alt-right for NO reason at all.
Not the model progressive, liberal, Democrat, but certainly better, and an improvement, over the rest of the Republican Congressional sheep.
Like I said, any kind of a roof is better in a ran storm, than none at all.

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John McCain - Page 2 Empty Re: John McCain

Post by espíritu del lago Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:33 am

X wrote:According to CBS, the pallbearers who will help carry McCain's coffin at the Washington National Cathedral memorial service include:

Warren Beatty
Joe Biden
Michael Bloomberg
William Cohen (former Secretary of Defense)
Russ Feingold (former Democrat Senator from Wisconsin)
Gary Hart (former Democrat Senator from Colorado)
Tom Ridge (former Republican Governor of Pennsylvania)
Mark Salter (McCain's former Chief of Staff)
Fred Smith (Founder and President of FedEx)
Sheldon Whitehouse (current Democrat Senator from Rhode Island)
Vladimir Kara-Murza (Vice Chairman of Open Russia)

Carla Eudy (longtime fundraiser)
Stephen Dart (businessman)
Richard Davis (former McCain presidential campaign manager

Did you know his106 year old mother Roberta) will travel to Washington this weekend for his service (she didn't make it to Arizona last weekend), but it would be hard to imagine her not being there.

The article does state that she got a speeding ticket in 2003 (the year she would have turned 91) for driving 112 MPH .
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espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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John McCain - Page 2 Empty Re: John McCain

Post by Trailrunner Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:46 am

Warren Beatty??
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John McCain - Page 2 Empty Re: John McCain

Post by slainte39 Tue Aug 28, 2018 9:42 am

Trailrunner wrote:Warren Beatty??


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John McCain - Page 2 Empty Re: John McCain

Post by ferret Tue Aug 28, 2018 1:14 pm

The Daca kids are grateful to McCain. imho, they deserve citizenship. How is it possible for contributing members of society to be deported (read penalized) to a country they don't know and were not responsible for leaving?
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John McCain - Page 2 Empty Re: John McCain

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