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A New Way to Collect Solar Energy

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A New Way to Collect Solar Energy Empty A New Way to Collect Solar Energy

Post by ferret Sat Aug 20, 2011 8:25 am

This is about the coolest invention since sliced bread IMHO. Kudos to this young man. Imagine collecting more solar energy with the ornamental sculpture of a tree in your yard!
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A New Way to Collect Solar Energy Empty Re: A New Way to Collect Solar Energy

Post by lunateak Sat Aug 20, 2011 11:30 am

Too smucking fart!!!
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A New Way to Collect Solar Energy Empty Re: A New Way to Collect Solar Energy

Post by oncesubtle Sat Aug 20, 2011 12:29 pm

What lunateak said backwards. Beer

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A New Way to Collect Solar Energy Empty Re: A New Way to Collect Solar Energy

Post by Parker Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:11 pm

The coolest thing I’ve read about lately is the car that runs on compressed air. The technology was created in India, can go 185 miles, 60 mph, $2.17 per (whatever their going to call it) once fueling stations are generated. No fuel emissions (smog) and when expending emissions they have a cooling ratio of 0 to -15 degrees (air conditioning) (may be wrong, but close) and could be sold for about $9,000 USD until the politicians F… this up. Very Happy

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A New Way to Collect Solar Energy Empty Re: A New Way to Collect Solar Energy

Post by bobnliz Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:46 am

This, I gotta see... L
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A New Way to Collect Solar Energy Empty Re: A New Way to Collect Solar Energy

Post by Parker Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:02 pm

Now this isn't the first ad I saw, it came in an E-mail (from a friend) and no URL, however I could cut & paste but the pictures didn't come through. I did find sights but many outdated (2008) The car I saw was (2011) However here's a sight;

(word only from the message I received)

Will it be the next big thing? Tata Motors thinks so.

It is an auto engine that runs on air. That's right, air not gas or diesel or electric but just the air around us. Take a look.

Tata Motors of India has scheduled the Air Car to hit Indian streets by August 2011

The Air Car, developed by ex-Formula One engineer Guy N. For Luxembourg-based MDI, uses compressed air to push its engine's pistons and make the car go.

The Air Car, called the "Mini CAT" could cost around 365,757 rupees in India or $8,177 US.

The Mini CAT which is a simple, light urban car, with a tubular chassis, a body of fiberglass that is glued not welded and powered by compressed air. A Microprocessor is used to control all electrical functions of the car. One tiny radio transmitter sends instructions to the lights, turn signals and every other electrical device on the car. Which are not many.

The temperature of the clean air expelled by the exhaust pipe is between 0-15 degrees below zero, which makes it suitable for use by the internal air conditioning system with no need for gases or loss of power.

There are no keys, just an access card which can be read by the car from your pocket. According to the designers, it costs less than 50 rupees ($1.15) per 100 KM, that's about a tenth the cost of a car running on gas. It's mileage is about double that of the most advanced electric car, a factor which makes it a perfect choice for city motorists. The car has a top speed of 105 KM per hour or 60 mph and would have a range of around 300 km or 185 miles between refuels. Refilling the car will take place at adapted gas stations with special air compressors. A fill up will only take two to three minutes and costs approximately 100 rupees ($2.30) and the car will be ready to go another 300 kilometers.

This car can also be filled at home with it's on board compressor. It will take 3-4 hours to refill the tank but it can be done while you sleep.

Because there is no combustion engine, changing the 1 liter of vegetable oil is only necessary every 50,000 KM or 30,000 miles. Due to it's simplicity, there is very little maintenance to be done on this Car.

This Air Car almost sound to good to be true. We'll see in August. Very Happy

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