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Renting with pets

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Renting with pets Empty Renting with pets

Post by Griffmom Thu Jan 03, 2019 4:27 pm

We are moving down at the end of this year with two small dogs. I’m worried that we won’t be able to find a good rental, especially that time of year. Any recommendations for a rental agency to use?
Thinking about the possibility of staying at Hotel Perico for a month or two and just find something to buy.
We’ve looked at several different areas and the problem is that we seem to like them all. ????

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Renting with pets Empty Re: Renting with pets

Post by CanuckBob Thu Jan 03, 2019 5:05 pm

I would fly down this summer for 2 to 3 weeks and find a rental with boots on the ground. You may need to rent it immediately and leave it vacant for a few months until you get here but better than being rushed into buying something. I wouldn't recommend you buy anything until you have rented for a least a year.

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Renting with pets Empty Re: Renting with pets

Post by brigitte Thu Jan 03, 2019 5:11 pm

Do not buy because you are in a rush. Talk to Hotel Perico and see if they will accept the dogs and go from there. But I would advise you rent. Once you are here you will see that all rentals are not gone in all the villages. You will find a place to rent for a while and then check out the villages and see which one is best for you .
There are pluses and minuses to all locations so check carefully before you buy, it is easy to buy but not always easy to sell.

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Renting with pets Empty Re: Renting with pets

Post by Griffmom Thu Jan 03, 2019 5:30 pm

Luckily I have friends that can scope out rentals, and yes, driving down for a couple of weeks to find something is a must.
We fly in for short stays, but drive if we are going to be there for more than a week because of our dogs. Boarding here is crazy expensive and since we are in Texas, it’s not a bad drive.

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Renting with pets Empty Re: Renting with pets

Post by Trailrunner Thu Jan 03, 2019 5:55 pm

Yes, what those 2 said. Rent.
No telling what will be going on here a year from now.
Hotel Perico is a good place and well-mannered doggies seem to be no problem.
Good luck. Take your time. It takes time! Enjoy the process, you're making memories.

Last edited by Trailrunner on Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Renting with pets Empty Re: Renting with pets

Post by Griffmom Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:00 pm

Or what’s going on NOB a year from now

Thanks for the replies. Looking forward to a more relaxed way of life and the good weather

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Renting with pets Empty Re: Renting with pets

Post by Trailrunner Thu Jan 03, 2019 6:05 pm

That's right, NOB! Where are you moving from?
Welcome, you seem to have a nice attitude. That, and a soft face with a ready smile are all that's needed here for a successful transition and life in Mexico.
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Renting with pets Empty Re: Renting with pets

Post by JayBear Fri Jan 04, 2019 10:45 am

I assume your question was about how hard/easy it is to find a rental that will accept dogs. A couple of thoughts: you will want a rental with fenced yard space, which not all places here have. Find a place you like, and then describe the dogs and assure the owner that they are well behaved. Your deposit will cover any damage to the grass etc. If you go thru a rental agent, which I recommend, the rental agent will find you a suitable place.

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Renting with pets Empty Re: Renting with pets

Post by Griffmom Fri Jan 04, 2019 10:55 am

Thanks trailrunner. We love the area and the first time we visited, I was overcome with the feeling of being at home. Looks like we have bumped up our move date and plan on listing our home in the next couple of weeks.

Great idea JayBear. They are small and not puppies so well behaved. They also love the malecon????

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Renting with pets Empty Re: Renting with pets

Post by rvanparys Sat Jan 05, 2019 4:00 pm

We came and spent a month looking for houses to buy... We decided which areas were most appealing and thought we had a year to sell our house... It sold in three days... We had three animals and finding a proper rental was exceptionally hard and that was when the market was not so tight...So we bought and couldn't be happier... Maybe we were just lucky...

If you can, rent... However, if that fails, look for a home that meets your requirements and buy it before the price goes up or it is off the market.

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Renting with pets Empty Re: Renting with pets

Post by brigitte Sat Jan 05, 2019 5:19 pm

I came down for a week, never having thought about Mexico before, bought a house and 19 years later we are in the same house so yes you can do it if you are very lucky.. I did the same thing in San Cristobal 12 years ago and we have no regrets but looking back at what we did , it was pretty crazy and we were very lucky , we also bought here when the market was way down and houses did not sell and the lake was "dying".
Looking back I would say rent first and check out the various areas seriously.. This said everyone is different.
Since we have a trusted housesitters and 5 dogs and 2 cats we do not board the dogs but when we first got here with 3 mastiffs we boarded the dogs and t was reasonable at the time as Pat had a nice place. s there a place you can board dogs in the area or over the hill?
I was at the vet the other day which is not a place where I would board the dogs long term but the price was 150 pesos a day so at 300 pesos a day it is reasonable..

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Renting with pets Empty Re: Renting with pets

Post by inthecolumbiagorge Mon Jan 07, 2019 9:35 am

My husband and I drove down in early December with our 2 dogs, a toy poodle and a huge German shepherd. The purpose of the trip was to find a home to rent. We found 3 within a day or two of arriving and all allowed pets. I see from the facebook pages "Lake Chapala Rentals by Owner" and "Lake Chapala Rentals" that some places in Ajijic may not allow pets but we did not find any difficulty in the areas that we were interested in living. Since then I have seen numerous rentals that allow pets and December and January are very busy times for short term rentals on the north side of the lake.

So....while having pets may disqualify you from some rentals it really should not prevent you from finding a lovely home lakeside:-)
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Renting with pets Empty Re: Renting with pets

Post by joyfull Mon Jan 07, 2019 8:09 pm

I personally know Griffmom and their dogs. I’m a Griff Mom too!
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Renting with pets Empty Re: Renting with pets

Post by Griffmom Mon Jan 07, 2019 8:42 pm

Joyfull, I bet I know just who you are! Planning on a trip later this month to look for a rental.

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