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Speed up time in the fight against cancer

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Speed up time in the fight against cancer Empty Speed up time in the fight against cancer

Post by Plan B Fri Sep 27, 2019 10:47 am
Speed up time in the fight against cancer 8YzMr-kClnDrCYQbvgNxC0JHZFWJi5tVEfnmWYLEeDRbb8tmGZYekqo3X_ERVZjQqV9y=s180-rw
Imagine if we could speed up time in the fight against cancer.

DreamLab is a multi-award winning app that uses the collective power of smartphones to fast track cancer research. With cancer being one of the biggest causes of premature death worldwide, finding answers through medical research is incredibly important. DreamLab exists to help us get there sooner. And the more people who use the app, the faster it works.


Researchers need supercomputers to scan DNA in immense detail and crunch complex data. When you plug your phone in and power DreamLab, it downloads tiny parts of a huge research project from the cloud to calculate, and sends the results back to the research team. The more people who power DreamLab, the faster we can complete critical research. All you need to do is set up DreamLab once and it will get to work each time you plug your phone in.
Plan B
Plan B
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Join date : 2018-12-29

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