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News for San Antonio Tlayacapan: water problems

Mrs. De
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News for San Antonio Tlayacapan:   water problems - Page 2 Empty Re: News for San Antonio Tlayacapan: water problems

Post by Zedinmexico Thu May 07, 2020 7:10 am

WillieRae wrote:Will the driver of the pipa  allow sharing between properties/neighbors?  One time in Mazatlan the driver refused to share my load with my neighbors who were completely out of I invited them to bring their buckets and I instructed the driver to unload the balance of the tank onto the ground.  I had caught him going down to the next neighborhood and "making business" with the unused balance on another time ....he was getting almost double $$$.  Never used him again!

We filled three tanks right next to each other so he just had to move hose. Octavio was super and his boy kid was very cute. Water was very clean. See my previous post for his phone number.

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News for San Antonio Tlayacapan:   water problems - Page 2 Empty Re: News for San Antonio Tlayacapan: water problems

Post by Trailrunner Fri May 08, 2020 9:38 am

Zed, how is your water pressure now?

Walked by the well yesterday and was impressed by the new big blue pump. But still had low pressure yesterday and last night. BUT, this morning, my water pressure is amazingly high! Way higher than normal or what it has ever been. Let's hope this is the new normal!
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News for San Antonio Tlayacapan:   water problems - Page 2 Empty Re: News for San Antonio Tlayacapan: water problems

Post by Zedinmexico Sat May 09, 2020 7:44 am

Trailrunner wrote:Zed, how is your water pressure now?

Walked by the well yesterday and was impressed by the new big blue pump. But still had low pressure yesterday and last night. BUT, this morning, my water pressure is amazingly high! Way higher than normal or what it has ever been. Let's hope this is the new normal!

First day of new pump we had normal low pressure from street but plenty of water for the below ground tanks.  Last two nights I have high pressure on all three taps from street. High pressure water still goes away in afternoon but underground tank still fills 24 hours a day.   I could get use to this!! Where is the well??

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News for San Antonio Tlayacapan:   water problems - Page 2 Empty Re: News for San Antonio Tlayacapan: water problems

Post by Trailrunner Sat May 09, 2020 8:16 am

Good. My ultra-high pressure seems to be the hew normal. Had a spa shower last night! lol

The pozo (well) is on Ramon Corona, east of the plaza 4 blocks, on the corner in the conejo barrio. The new pump is a monster.
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News for San Antonio Tlayacapan:   water problems - Page 2 Empty Re: News for San Antonio Tlayacapan: water problems

Post by Zedinmexico Sat May 09, 2020 1:17 pm

Trailrunner wrote:Good. My ultra-high pressure seems to be the hew normal. Had a spa shower last night! lol

The pozo (well) is on Ramon Corona, east of the plaza 4 blocks, on the corner in the conejo barrio. The new pump is a monster.

We still have uber pressure here even in afternoon. Can even use street pressure to run sprinklers which is something new in the afternoon.

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News for San Antonio Tlayacapan:   water problems - Page 2 Empty Re: News for San Antonio Tlayacapan: water problems

Post by ferret Sat May 09, 2020 1:28 pm

Zedinmexico wrote:

We still have uber pressure here even in afternoon.  Can even use street pressure to run sprinklers which is something new in the afternoon.

Please use your STORED water for running your sprinklers. By using the street pressure water you are taking from others in the neighbourhood whose tanks may not have yet filled and/or they may only have a tinaco in which to store their water supply.
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News for San Antonio Tlayacapan:   water problems - Page 2 Empty Re: News for San Antonio Tlayacapan: water problems

Post by CanuckBob Sat May 09, 2020 3:15 pm

My garden taps come directly from the street not my aljibe. No choice in the matter. The pressure is always lower in the afternoon.

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News for San Antonio Tlayacapan:   water problems - Page 2 Empty Re: News for San Antonio Tlayacapan: water problems

Post by Zedinmexico Sun May 10, 2020 7:25 am

ferret wrote:
Zedinmexico wrote:

We still have uber pressure here even in afternoon.  Can even use street pressure to run sprinklers which is something new in the afternoon.

Please use your STORED water for running your sprinklers. By using the street pressure water you are taking from others in the neighbourhood whose tanks may not have yet filled and/or they may only have a tinaco in which to store their water supply.

No I am the last person on the pipe and it ends. When anybody has a tank filling I get no high pressure to sprinklers. Your comment is not applicable to our Calle. I can't use house (tank water) as it is filtered and I would use a set of filters every two weeks. I have no taps that don't use filtered water. I am planning to bury a large tank and collect water at night and use that to sprinkle with a pump and solar panel. I imagine after they finish building the 20 houses I will have no high pressure period. I have thought about this ferret. We also have a big agriculture use here in SE SAT and believe me my 1/3 acre uses nothing compared to all the watering of horse pasture with water direct from the pipes in the street. I appreciate you thinking of my neighbors but we all talk and we take care of each other and nobody is going without water because of my sprinkling. I wouldn't mind having you as a neighbor.

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News for San Antonio Tlayacapan:   water problems - Page 2 Empty Re: News for San Antonio Tlayacapan: water problems

Post by ferret Sun May 10, 2020 8:21 am

Understood Zed. Thanks for for your explanation.

Every house and situation is different and I should have taken that into consideration when I made my comment. In my own house, I had two outside taps with street water. One of them was my neighbour's water and I had it capped. I also dug through the wall at the back of my house, to cut another neighbours access to MY water... they were watering their extensive garden from my line before it got to my tinaco. Fair is fair... for everyone.
The neighbour with the extensive garden was also using my electricity in their bodega which is attached to my back bedroom wall... I cut that off too.
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