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Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico

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Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico Empty Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico

Post by CanuckBob Sat May 16, 2020 9:19 am

Sensible article.

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Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico Empty Re: Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico

Post by Heem Sat May 16, 2020 9:31 am

In my opinion; doing anything is better in Mexico.

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Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico Empty Re: Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico

Post by lunateak Sat May 16, 2020 9:33 am

Sums up why most of us are still here.
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Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico Empty Re: Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico

Post by CanuckBob Sat May 16, 2020 9:35 am

Totally agree.

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Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico Empty Re: Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico

Post by gringal Sat May 16, 2020 10:01 am

Very good article, and a full explanation of why we are staying put right here.

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Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico Empty Re: Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico

Post by coffeeguy Wed Jun 17, 2020 7:17 pm

I don't doubt the author of that article's good intentions but he really doesn't have any idea of what's actually going on. And as we are currently living in Tucson and keep close tabs on goings-on at Lakeside I can tell you that while the situation with COVID 19 is bad in both countries the U.S. is a far better option for sequestering in place for those that have the means and willingness to do so.

The stuff about possible water and power outages and the virtues of Mexican gas delivery are beside the point - and mostly wrong anyway. And sunlight and warm weather don't kill the virus; if they did you'd have zero cases in Mexico and Brazil right now instead of spiking numbers.

Testing and contact tracing levels are abysmal in the U.S. but are infinitely worse in Mexico. You've got essentially no testing, no meaningful social distancing, a president (AMLO) who makes Trump look like Dr. Fauci by comparison and a medical infrastructure which is one of the 2 or 3 worst funded in all of the Americas.

If you, personally, already own a ventilator per person in your household, own an oxygen generator, have a skilled doctor on retainer and are able to have someone do all your food shopping for you and are able to avoid dining in restaurants for the next 6-12 months you may indeed be better off than those sequestering in place NOB. If not....not so much.

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Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico Empty Re: Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico

Post by Jreboll Wed Jun 17, 2020 7:34 pm

In addition, even though I have the same size refrigerator in Mexico as in NOB the variety of frozen food available NOB is much greater and if electricity goes out I loose everything in mexico. I also rely on mineral and vitamin supplements and some of those are hard to find in my small town in Michoacan.

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Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico Empty Re: Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico

Post by ferret Wed Jun 17, 2020 7:35 pm

Brazil is currently going to start "winter" on June 20th, 2020.
I'll stay put in Mexico, thanks. There are still very few cases here lakeside.
I go out once every two weeks for groceries and to do errands. I'm getting a lot of "chores" done at home on my "honey do list" since I am both the honey and the do.... and everyone that I know is taking suitable precautions.
In this day and age with good internet, it's not a hardship to socially distance. But, I sure could use a hug. Ah well. This too shall pass.
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Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico Empty Re: Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico

Post by slainte39 Wed Jun 17, 2020 7:36 pm

coffeeguy wrote:I don't doubt the author of that article's good intentions but he really doesn't have any idea of what's actually going on. And as we are currently living in Tucson and keep close tabs on goings-on at Lakeside I can tell you that while the situation with COVID 19 is bad in both countries the U.S. is a far better option for sequestering in place for those that have the means and willingness to do so.

The stuff about possible water and power outages and the virtues of Mexican gas delivery are beside the point - and mostly wrong anyway. And sunlight and warm weather don't kill the virus; if they did you'd have zero cases in Mexico and Brazil right now instead of spiking numbers.

Testing and contact tracing levels are abysmal in the U.S. but are infinitely worse in Mexico. You've got essentially no testing, no meaningful social distancing, a president (AMLO) who makes Trump look like Dr. Fauci by comparison and a medical infrastructure which is one of the 2 or 3 worst funded in all of the Americas.

If you, personally, already own a ventilator per person in your household, own an oxygen generator, have a skilled doctor on retainer and are able to have someone do all your food shopping for you and are able to avoid dining in restaurants for the next 6-12 months you may indeed be better off than those sequestering in place NOB. If not....not so much.

I definitely think you should remain in Tucson for your well being and peace of mind.
Some of us just prefer living here in our miserable circumstances.

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Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico Empty Re: Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico

Post by coffeeguy Wed Jun 17, 2020 8:05 pm

Hey I wish everyone who's sticking it out down there nothing but the best. And I know that many people not only don't want to leave, they can't. Mexico is home - and that's great. But the article Bob posted is a confused mish-mash of "we can ride out societal collapse 'cause we've got sunshine and can grow our own vegetables" with false info about the comparative medical situation.

This article from the NYT is from May and is one of the best of a bunch of stories they've run on the situation down there. It's worthwhile because you get a sense of just how deep a hole Mexico was in BEFORE the pandemic hit. It's easy as a comparatively well-off expat paying cash for routine care and with easy access to bi-lingual doctors to not fully grasp the bigger picture of the medical system there. But in a pandemic and even with tens of thousands of dollars in cash on hand I doubt expat retirees are going to be first in line for triage at the wealthy hospitals in Guad.

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Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico Empty Re: Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico

Post by mudgirl Wed Jun 17, 2020 8:13 pm

I agree with you on the point of medical care, coffeeguy. I would feel much more confident about getting adequate medical care for COVID if I were in Canada right now than here in Mexico. As far as the rest of it goes, I could copy ferrets' response word for word.

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Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico Empty Re: Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico

Post by ferret Wed Jun 17, 2020 8:19 pm

We know. Thanks. I am so very happy that Alfaro, the governor of Jalisco, didn't listen to AMLO. Yes, it's very bad in parts of Mexico. It may become bad here. Dunno. Time will tell.
Please stay safe and remember that there are many, many people without health care in the U.S. as well.

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Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico Empty Re: Is it better to quarantine in the US or Mexico

Post by CanuckBob Wed Jun 17, 2020 8:23 pm

I fear Dengue more than CV19. My friend's 88 year old father just got diagnosed with Dengue fever in Mirasol. He is currently in the hospital in GDL.

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