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Is there an alternative to using Quality Care?

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Is there an alternative to using Quality Care? Empty Is there an alternative to using Quality Care?

Post by benjji Fri Mar 25, 2022 6:30 am

We are considering changing our medical providers at Quality Care. My problem is with the visiting specialist doctors and not with Dr. Briseno. Receiving Informa Medicos and even a Factura has become very much more annoying and difficult. I appreciate the convenience of such talent locally but not if they can't or won't provide the necessary reports and billings. So your suggestions will be appreciated.

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Is there an alternative to using Quality Care? Empty Re: Is there an alternative to using Quality Care?

Post by CanuckBob Fri Mar 25, 2022 7:45 am

I believe Chapala Med also has a whole host of specialists.

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Is there an alternative to using Quality Care? Empty Re: Is there an alternative to using Quality Care?

Post by BisbeeGal Fri Mar 25, 2022 8:00 am

We self-insure so can't offer an opinion on which doctors offer the reports and facturas you need for insurance filings.

I would suggest asking your insurance agent as s/he would likely be familiar with which doctors are easiest to get these from??
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Is there an alternative to using Quality Care? Empty Re: Is there an alternative to using Quality Care?

Post by ScubaPam Fri Mar 25, 2022 8:26 am

Good morning. I also use some of the QC specialists and I have insurance that covers me. There is a lady at the front desk named Lety. She is the best person to ask for Facturas. The thing is you must ask for them before the appointment and she should give you a piece of paper that you fill out with name, address, etc. I have never failed to get my factura by email within 2 weeks. I would also emphasize your past trouble in getting them and that you will be following up with her. I would also mention this to the doctor you are seeing of your trouble. Most of them actually do know the business side of things unlike places in the US where they rely on practice managers for such things. Good luck.

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