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How do I change my Social Security direct deposit bank from here in Mexico?

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How do I change my Social Security direct deposit bank from here in Mexico? Empty How do I change my Social Security direct deposit bank from here in Mexico?

Post by MichaelB Sun Mar 27, 2022 10:45 pm

I am wanting to change my direct deposit from my bank in the USA to one here in Mexico. I  have just opened a new account at BBVA and was given 2 numbers 1 called a No. Cuenta is only 10 numbers long ,the second is called the Clabe interbancana and is 18 numbers long. Which one would I give to Social Security for my deposits? The girl at the bank said she believes that the Cuenta number would be given to someone from outside of Mexico. Can anyone verify that? Also what is the correct process to change my deposit?



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How do I change my Social Security direct deposit bank from here in Mexico? Empty Re: How do I change my Social Security direct deposit bank from here in Mexico?

Post by Carry Bean Sun Mar 27, 2022 10:55 pm

I’ve always had my SS directed deposited to my Bancomer account as I applied for it after I moved here.

I would contact the SS at the Consulate in Guadalajara as to the procedure. Flamingo posted their email on another thread here.

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