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TikTok’s in-app browser can track users’ keystrokes

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TikTok’s in-app browser can track users’ keystrokes Empty TikTok’s in-app browser can track users’ keystrokes

Post by Plan B Mon Aug 22, 2022 11:47 am

TikTok’s in-app browser can track users’ keystrokes

Felix Krause, a security researcher and developer previously employed by Google, said his work showed TikTok had the functionality to collect the data.
TikTok’s growth has not been stymied by government and intelligence agency concerns about data collection and links to the Chinese Communist Party. AP
But he does not claim the data is being used or recorded by TikTok, only that it could do so in the future.
Mr Krause examined how code within the iOS TikTok in-app browser works.

He told The Australian Financial Review his analysis found “only that there is a so-called JavaScript event subscription for things like keystrokes, which could be used to collect this data”.

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