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Oaxaca Empty Oaxaca

Post by CheenaGringo Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:36 am

Oaxaca has been our "bucket list" for a number of years but so far we haven't managed to fit a visit into our schedules. Now that we have made the decision to include Zapotec Wool Rugs in our product offering, a trip to Oaxaca and Teotitlan del Valle has become a higher priority. Some friends recently made a trip with the primary purpose of finding rugs for their home in Morelia. They were generous enough to share the photos they took on their trip and have given us permission to use appropriate ones on our website. One of the things that jumped out at me was just how clean and pristine the streets, sidewalks and public areas appear to be!
[img]Oaxaca I-kkrw10[/img]

[img]Oaxaca I-cpz910[/img]


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Oaxaca Empty Re: Oaxaca

Post by hound dog Wed Nov 02, 2011 3:49 pm

[quote="CheenaGringo"]Oaxaca has been our "bucket list" for a number of years but so far we haven't managed to fit a visit into our schedules. Now that we have made the decision to include Zapotec Wool Rugs in our product offering, a trip to Oaxaca and Teotitlan del Valle has become a higher priority. Some friends recently made a trip with the primary purpose of finding rugs for their home in Morelia. They were generous enough to share the photos they took on their trip and have given us permission to use appropriate ones on our website. One of the things that jumped out at me was just how clean and pristine the streets, sidewalks and public areas appear to be![img][url=http/quote]

I do not wish to discombobulate you, Neil, but the streets are not "clean and pristine" in Southern Mexico in Oaxaca or any other Southern Mexico state. You are beng led up the primrose path.

Graffiti and street litter are common problems all over southern Mexico. It is a disgraceful characteristic of southern Mexicans that they have no communal shame for this incivil behavior and it is an almost universal local disgrace that folks down there have no pride of community. Interpret that as you will but it is a fact. Tell me, those reading this forum who have experience in Southern Mexico as do I, that I am wrong. If I wait a thousand years I will hear no rejoinder to that assertion that is intelligently put. Prove me wrong, folks. I wish I were.

Anyone who thinks Sourhern Mexico is clean and pristine is living in the twilight zone. Get serious or refrain from asserting an opinion on this place.
hound dog
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Oaxaca Empty Re: Oaxaca

Post by CheenaGringo Wed Nov 02, 2011 3:58 pm


My clean comment was strictly based upon what I saw in the photos in the slideshows. Having never been there, I would never dispute with someone with your extensive experience!

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Oaxaca Empty Re: Oaxaca

Post by hound dog Wed Nov 02, 2011 4:30 pm

CheenaGringo wrote:Dawg:

My clean comment was strictly based upon what I saw in the photos in the slideshows. Having never been there, I would never dispute with someone with your extensive experience!


Listen, Amigo. Dawg likes you so don´t pretend to be nice. "extensive experince" my *ss. You´re OK in my book.
hound dog
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Oaxaca Empty Re: Oaxaca

Post by raqueteer Wed Nov 02, 2011 5:35 pm

Actually Dawg, some of the rural areas in Chiapas seemed pretty darned clean to me. The towns, not so much. Our guide explained that in the rural areas they don't have money for bottles of coke, bags of chips etc.
On our trip through the Canyon de Sumidero, our embarcation point was pretty good, but where the flow from Tuxta Gutierrez began, the water was filthy and full of garbage.

Any comments?

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Oaxaca Empty Re: Oaxaca

Post by CheenaGringo Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:50 am


For whatever reason, when Jim P. sent me the photos, it was something that jumped out at me both the first and second time that I looked through them. As we would both probably accept, ones definition of clean is a subjective evaluation.

For example: I would probably say that the Guadalajara-Chapala Highway is currently clean but my point of reference is what it was like 10+ years ago when we first started visiting the area. If I were to compare it to some other pristine highways we have seen in our travels, I would say that they have a long way to go. I could say the same for Tonala Centro since it has noticeably improved through the years.

You well know that I wasn't giving you gratuitous strokes but only a fool would argue about something they admittedly haven't experienced!

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Oaxaca Empty Re: Oaxaca

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