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Mexico's Slim tops Forbes' rich list for 3rd year

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Mexico's Slim tops Forbes' rich list for 3rd year  Empty Mexico's Slim tops Forbes' rich list for 3rd year

Post by CheenaGringo Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:06 pm

"A quarter century ago Forbes published our first annual list of the World’s Billionaires — and we found 140. This year the list broke records for the most number of billionaires (1,226) and combined net worth, at $4.6 trillion, up from $4.5 trillion. Behind those numbers is a more complicated story of rapid change among the world’s wealthiest. Innovation, strong consumer brands and a rebounding U.S. stock market helped produce 128 newcomers and brought 17 former members back into the ranks, while falling stock markets, particularly in China and Russia, were the main culprit for knocking 117 billionaires off the list. Another 12 members from the 2011 list passed away, including buyout titan Teddy Forstmann and Apple’s Steve Jobs, whose wife Laurene Powell Jobs takes his spot. Overall, 460 billionaires got richer, 441 got poorer and another 180 held steady. .......

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