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The Answer to Alcohol Consumption

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The Answer to Alcohol Consumption Empty The Answer to Alcohol Consumption

Post by CheenaGringo Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:56 pm

Given the high participation of excessive alcohol consumption along the north shore of the Lake and the fact that during certain seasons, there are far too many flies, scientists have developed a rationale:

"Scientists say sex-starved flies drown their woes in alcohol
Male flies blown off by the ladies turn to drink; study may shed light on human alcoholism"

"NEW YORK — Guys, when your sweetheart says “No thanks” to sex, do you knock back a few stiff drinks to feel better? Turns out fruit flies do pretty much the same thing.

That’s the word from a new study that may explain why both species react that way.

In Friday’s issue of the journal Science, researchers propose a biological explanation for why “Not tonight, dear” may lead to “Gimme another beer.” If it proves true in people, it may help scientists find new medications to fight alcoholism.

In that case, we can thank thousands of frustrated flies.

One by one, these eager Lotharios were put into a container with a female that had just mated. So she was really, really not interested in doing it again anytime soon. She would run away. She would kick the male. She would stick out her egg-laying organ to hold him at bay.....

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The Answer to Alcohol Consumption Empty Re: The Answer to Alcohol Consumption

Post by ferret Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:50 pm

directly from the article headline... "Male flies blown off by the ladies turn to drink"

so, take out the word "flies" and read the article...which then makes no sense.

Sorry, but my mind is doing strange things tonight.
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The Answer to Alcohol Consumption Empty Re: The Answer to Alcohol Consumption

Post by gringal Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:39 pm

....and from Just another Tequila Sunrise: "Some people say there's a woman to blame....but I's my own damn fault".

Tell it to the flies.

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