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Cruz Roja fundraising starts this week

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Cruz Roja fundraising starts this week Empty Cruz Roja fundraising starts this week

Post by simpsca Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:46 am

To all volunteers and supporters of Cruz Roja Delegation Chapala

The annual Colecta for 2012 kicks off this week nationwide. Your will see the Chapala employees in a number of places around the area until mid April.

This year you can support Cruz Roja AND take a little money from Sr Carlos Slim through Telmex.

If you call *6565 from your home phone by April 15th you can donate to Cruz Roja and your generous donation will be matched by Telmex. The amount you donate will be added to your next Telmex bill.

Cruz Roja Delegation Chapla will receive these donations based upon the prefix of your phone number. Prefixes 766 , 765, 106 and 763 are included is the area that will benefit the Chapala Delegation.

Unfortunately donations from prefixes for San Juan Cosala and Jocotepec will go to Guadalajara and not Chapala. (Maybe you can donate from a friends phone in the Ajijic/Chapala area)

There will be an article in the Guadalajara Reporter by Dayle Palfrey about this program as well as articles in the local spanish papers. You can also look for a recent article in El Imformador on line.

If you have any questions feel free to call Lori Burnworth at 376-766-0460.
Events Reporter
Events Reporter

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Join date : 2010-04-16
Age : 77

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