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Crossing the Border to Buy Gas

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Crossing the Border to Buy Gas Empty Crossing the Border to Buy Gas

Post by CheenaGringo Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:56 pm

Just saw a report on our evening news about drivers heading into Mexico to save money on gas. Not exactly a new concept for those living near the border but Faux News outdid themselves with a negative twist to this story. If you watch the video, they claim that told them that people are taking a chance in purchasing inferior quality gas which may void warranties. I cannot believe the lengths that Faux News will go to in coming up with anything negative on Mexico to report!

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Crossing the Border to Buy Gas Empty Re: Crossing the Border to Buy Gas

Post by Mainecoons Mon Mar 19, 2012 5:25 pm

Did gasbuddy tell them that or not? If they did, they are doing what is called reporting. That is much different from what you are used to on CNN.

Haven't you figured out yet that they all broadcast faux news these days?

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Crossing the Border to Buy Gas Empty Re: Crossing the Border to Buy Gas

Post by CanuckBob Mon Mar 19, 2012 5:33 pm

We have been crossing the border from Canada to the US for cheap fuel for years. Welcome to the party....
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Crossing the Border to Buy Gas Empty Re: Crossing the Border to Buy Gas

Post by CheenaGringo Mon Mar 19, 2012 5:50 pm


Now how would we have any way of checking that told them that or not? News Corp. doesn't exactly have an impeccable record these days. Why the assumption that I buy into CNN or really any of the networks for that matter? As a matter of fact, I saw the initial story on the channel 13 early news here in Albuquerque. Since the original story was San Diego/Los Angeles based, I have to ask what the point was?

We are all aware that a good percentage of the oil that Pemex pulls out of the earth is refined in the US and I would highly doubt that a dealership in the US would got through DNA testing found of the gas in the gas tank of a vehicle with problems. I would also highly doubt that a vehicle purchased in the US has a clause negating the warranty for Mexico purchased gasoline.

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Crossing the Border to Buy Gas Empty Re: Crossing the Border to Buy Gas

Post by Mainecoons Mon Mar 19, 2012 6:44 pm

Just who does have a decent track record these days? The networks who run constant Dog and Pony shows for Obama?

(Dog and Pony show: You hide your dogs and trot out your ponies.)

They all have too much air time to fill. So they fill it with crap.

I can practically guarantee you that the gas along that part of the border comes from the refinery that Pemex owns jointly with someone else. It is the same damn gas as they are using on the Texas side.

I've never had a problem with Mexican gas. I do avoid the old Pemex stations in favor of the newer ones with better tanks. When we drove our diesel pusher down here, we looked for the big Pemex stations with lots of trucks because they were pumping a lot of diesel. Not only did we never have problems with Mexican diesel, we got about 10 percent better mileage with it. That is a big deal when you're driving a big Cummins diesel.

All of these U.S. Newscrap organizations constantly exaggerate the bad news about Mexico. I find it very tiresome as I think you do as well.

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Crossing the Border to Buy Gas Empty Re: Crossing the Border to Buy Gas

Post by CheenaGringo Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:02 pm

The only choice that one has when it comes to the news is to read a number of sources and watch the BS Meter:
[img]Crossing the Border to Buy Gas Th_bul10[/img]

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Crossing the Border to Buy Gas Empty Re: Crossing the Border to Buy Gas

Post by Ricardo Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:56 pm

The report I saw named and directly quoted the GasBuddy representative who told them this. I imagine he or GasBuddy would respond if were a fictitious quote.

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Crossing the Border to Buy Gas Empty Re: Crossing the Border to Buy Gas

Post by johninajijic Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:09 pm

MC - Totally agree with your post. I heard when I first arrived here that Mexican gas was not as clean as US gas. I don't believe that as it depends on the age of the stations tanks. I buy from one of the newer stations near the Japanese nursery.

The story that Mexican gas is inferior to US gas is total CRAP. If that was true our engines would be knocking from lower Octane. Not once in my 10 years here, has the engine ever knocked.

But in the good ole US where there gas is supposedl "better", I did have occassional knocking problems from their better gas. The US trying to keep $$$ there by attacking Mexico again!!!
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Crossing the Border to Buy Gas Empty Re: Crossing the Border to Buy Gas

Post by CheenaGringo Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:46 am

I see that I neglected to post the link to this story:

As for Ricardo's comment, I just watched the video again and they didn't quote a specific gasbuddy rep but rather the "folks at gasbuddy tell us.......". I went to and went through their blogs containing news stories on gasoline and no mention is made of possible warranty issues.

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Crossing the Border to Buy Gas Empty Re: Crossing the Border to Buy Gas

Post by Mainecoons Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:10 am

The written story quotes him directly. Not a story on gasbuddy.

As Ricardo said, if he was misquoted they would have said so by now.

The one problem you can have with Mexican gas is if you buy it from old service stations with bad tanks. Other than that, it's the same stuff you buy NOB minus all the EPA crap like ethanol.

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