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Wheel Chair Patient Measurement needed - Occupational Therapist

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Wheel Chair Patient Measurement needed - Occupational Therapist Empty Wheel Chair Patient Measurement needed - Occupational Therapist

Post by Bill Phillips Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:06 pm

I know of a young man who hasn't any legs from the knee down. We are supplying him with a special "all terrain" wheel chair that is suitable for cobblestones, but need him measured so the chair will be the right size.

I'm wondering if there is any one around that knows how to make the measurement properly. I have the forms.

I did look around the Pemex on the Liebremento for the wheelchair/medical supply dealer but couldn't find it.
Bill Phillips
Bill Phillips
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Age : 80
Location : Trent Lakes Ont. in the summer - Chula Vista in the winter

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