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Gun Battle

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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by johninajijic Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:48 pm

CheenaGringo wrote:In response to the Dawg:

prorader has chosen to make his self-promotional bed and post what can only be defined as a rumor in the Mirador section rather than the proper section for criminal activity and rumours. His embellishment of the information contained on TOB was an exaggerated attempt to infer that he is the go to person for current information and for background info that happens to be very old news.

Also, please keep in mind that this was the person who bragged back 2006 or 2007 that he was going to come to Mexico and direct the Mexicans in the cleanup of their Country. After all, he had all of the necessary experience to do so!

CG - I totally agree with your post above. Prorader is making a post from TOB which is rumour at best. This does NOT belong in the Mirador section.

I hope one of the Moderators will move this to Criminal and Rumours section.

Last edited by johninajijic on Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by johninajijic Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:53 pm

raqueteer wrote:Frankly guys, I do not agree that prorader has been self promoting whatsoever. I have spent considerable time checking things out here over the past week and a bit. There is a battle, he's absolutely correct, and don't try and minimize this or you too may become a victim.
1. Fortify your house.
2. Get trained dog.
3. Get with the program! If it can happen to us it can happen to anyone. We've lived here for 13 years and I speak spanish. Don't kid yourselves.

raqueteer - We could be victims. NOT. The narcos are not after Gringos. They are only fighting for a new territory. This will die down as soon as one of them has established their new territory.
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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by Parker Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:11 am

O.K., tonight on our way to dinner as we drove past Wal-Mart at about 6:15 pm there was heavily armed officers and on the return at 8:30 pm they were still on guard, O.K. what’s-up?

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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by raqueteer Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:31 am

IMO this post does belong in the mirador section. Just because you are trying to sell your house does not give you the right to dictate to everyone where posts belong. Furthermore, this is hardly rumor, numerous people are aware of very unusual actions by the police, heard sirens and we also have heard from an eyewitness.

If this board continues to hide all references to what is going on, it will lose all credibility whatsoever.

Your opinions on virtually anything happening in the larger community are worthless at best. You do not speak Spanish. You have made it abundantly clear that you have no interest or compassion for the residents lakeside. You have no knowledge of what the Mexicans have been put through here, nor do you care. You live in your own little disneyland world with little to no comprehension of the world around you. So, do us all a favor and shut it.

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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by johninajijic Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:18 am

raqueteer - No one is interested in your ramblings. And certainly you do not dictate where a post belongs either. Never criticize this Board for it's credibility. If you don't like this Board and who posts on it, keep posting on with the rest of the idiots.

And you don't have a right to insult me just because you're all rattled about what happened. Go on with your life and move on. Everyone is tired of listening to your story, on and on and over and over again. As far as criticizing me for not speaking Spanish, where does it say that I have to speak Spanish if I live here. I have been getting along fine without it. Then Mexicans in the States must learn English before they go there. You think you have an advantage because you speak Spanish. You do not. Your entire post is full of lies!!! You're a total JERK!!!

Instead of coming after me, what have you or your BOD done to improve security in your Commnity??? NADA, I suspect. I work for our BOD who is extremely well organized. Our Community would have had a solution by now. Yours doesn't seem to care. Time for you to move out.
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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by gringal Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:34 am

John........that's beneath you. Insultograms are pointless ways of dealing with differences of opinion.

Raqueteer and I don't always agree, but she's one of the most articulate posters on here.

The drug war violence is so obvious that most sensible old geezers are not going out at night these days.

The point about speaking Spanish is that those who do can read the Spanish language newspapers, talk to the locals about what's happening, etc.

Also, bear in mind that it's very unlikely that prospective home buyers are reading any part of this forum. More likely they are reading, where there are many members who are not idiots and are posting useful news. Many members there are also members here and post in both forums.

I've noticed that those who have been banned over there become very negative about that board, just as those who have been banned here ("manny/susan") are very negative about this board. Sour grapes...probably.

What goes on at Racquet Club is their problem, just as the management of your community is your own concern.

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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by johninajijic Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:16 am

gringal - I respect you and your opinion, but I cannot respect raqueteer after she constantly insults me. She goes out of her way to do it. She has been deeply affected by the incident at RC. She needs medical help. What can she expect when her Community has no effective security?
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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by hound dog Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:38 am

This thread has become a rather vitriolic exchange in many ways but the crime issue has become so serious here at Lakeside that I must cast my vote with raqueteer and Gringal on the reporting of criminal or suspected criminal activtries on The Mirador which, after all is where these activities should logically be discussed rather than the often contentious Octagon Forum which has a deservedly limited readership.

We feel more secure in San Cristóbal de Las Casas than we do at Lakeside because neighbor seriously watches out for neighbor throughout that city´s various barrios and the community "tom toms" are the only really reliable source of community news including the large number of criminal acts comitted with exasperating regularity. Unlike the Guadalajara media which we read and watch often, the news media in Chiapas tends toward boosterism so news of violence is middle-of-the-paper stuff except for ghastly accidents which share back page headline with ludicrous T&A pictorials. The cops are pretty much universally crooked so the only real source of news is the community news sources which means street news passed on or a radio programs in Spanish or one of several Maya langiages.

I´ll tell you this. If any criminal commits a criminal act in my barrio in San Cristóbal, he´s the one wishing for the cops to arrive because frontier justice often prevails there and that justice depends on community communication and serious involvement.

It´s about time we use our "tom toms" here and that means forums here just as it means radio and street chatter there.

Dawg, by the way is not trying to sell his homes in either Lakeside or Chiapas and never will barring some health catastrophe. After years of living in hot and soggy Alabama,, cold and foggy San Francisco and cold winter France, you couldn´t get me on a train north unless you were serving croissants and fine wines in the dining car and even then I´d want a return ticket for insurance.
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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by CheenaGringo Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:47 am


You have managed to take this topic sideways once again. Since you have no personal knowledge of exactly what steps are being taken in RC, it appears to be another of your assumptions/generalizations.

Along with the rumour of shots being fired in Chapala yesterday, there hasn't been a confirmation of any type of an incident in Jocotepec other than one poster on TOB and one single Twitter report(which has now been removed). The only thing I could currently find on Twitter is: "At this time there has been a clash # # Jocotepec and so far not been reported if authorities are involved in it" posted around midnight last night.

As for prorader's OP, he apparently doesn't even understand what he wrote. No hard to imagine since it was composed of extremely poor English. But his history lesson of Nacho Coronel is almost two year old news that he seems to think is a current event.

I fully agree that any confirmed event should be in the Mirador but this one still smells like a rumour!

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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by David Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:48 am

[quote="johninajijic"]raqueteer - No one is interested in your ramblings. And certainly you do not dictate where a post belongs either. Never criticize this Board for it's credibility. If you don't like this Board and who posts on it, keep posting on with the rest of the idiots.

And you don't have a right to insult me just because you're all rattled about what happened. Go on with your life and move on. Everyone is tired of listening to your story, on and on and over and over again. As far as criticizing me for not speaking Spanish, where does it say that I have to speak Spanish if I live here. I have been getting along fine without it. Then Mexicans in the States must learn English before they go there. You think you have an advantage because you speak Spanish. You do not. Your entire post is full of lies!!! You're a total JERK!!!quote]

Look in the mirror John, you're the jerk. You've got no call to rant at Raqueteer. Take your own advice and get on with your life and move on. Soon.
Most everyone here is interested in what Raqueteer has to say and not interested in your rants. Put a lid on it!
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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by johninajijic Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:54 am

David - Yeah, sure they are. That's why they locked her topic on TOB. I only go on a rant when people like her insult me. You always have a negative comment toward me, don't you?
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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by CheenaGringo Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:01 am

"That's why they locked her topic on TOB"

What the heck are you talking about? The topic wasn't hers! In fact, she never made a post in the entire thread. Reading comprehension seems to be an issue. After all the super positive things you have had to say about TOB and then you try to use it to make a point? WTF?

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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by fastrak Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:18 am

Just heard from our maid who is from Joco that her Madre witnessed the exchange of gun fire between young guys in two vehicles. one of the guys was killed and a man in the plaza was killed.

Also, on Wednesday the bus she was taking home to Joco was robbed at gun point in the restaurant zone and everyone had to get off the bus. the bus was then burnt on the other end of Joco by the Carretera.

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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by hound dog Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:44 am

I fully agree that any confirmed event should be in the Mirador but this one still smells like a rumour![/quote]

Confirmed event in Mexico? Surely you jest. If we were all waiting for confirmation in Chiapas that Lake Chapala exists, or, for that matter, confirmation in Chapala that Chiapas exists many in either place would never find the other place on a map if they had heard of it in the first place.
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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by Traveller Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:53 pm

fastrak wrote:Also, on Wednesday the bus she was taking home to Joco was robbed at gun point in the restaurant zone and everyone had to get off the bus. the bus was then burnt on the other end of Joco by the Carretera.

Thanks for the heads-up. I travel that route twice weekly, sometimes by bus. I appreciate knowing about incidents like this.
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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by Trailrunner Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:27 pm

Thank you for this, fastrak, any more info on this? My maid comes from Joco too.

Stay safe, Joco people. Too sad.
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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by prorader Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:18 pm

Well as confirmed by fastrak maybe my old news is not so old Hay
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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by CanuckBob Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:34 pm

It is what it is. Let's move on por favor...........
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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by hockables Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:41 pm

I'm thinking expanding my door to door vacuum business... to include guns, dogs & alarms...pick up & delivery... and body disposals...

sounds like there might be a market for em...
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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by CanuckBob Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:46 pm

Just get into the drug business and you will have all the work you need......
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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by gringal Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:20 pm

CanuckBob wrote:Just get into the drug business and you will have all the work you need......

For a short while, anyway. Gun Battle - Page 2 521823

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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by prorader Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:47 pm

Traditionally (well this is old news but) history, Chapala and Joco have been to separate plaza's, maybe the fight now is to consolidate the 2 into 1 big plaza, by the way that includes all of the small towns south lake
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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by CanuckBob Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:53 pm

Personally I try to know as little as possible about the local drug business......jajaja.
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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by prorader Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:12 pm

Your right I can't see you standing on a street corner in Chapala
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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by johninajijic Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:05 pm

CanuckBob wrote:Just get into the drug business and you will have all the work you need......

Or the Funeral or gravedigging business......
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Gun Battle - Page 2 Empty Re: Gun Battle

Post by prorader Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:13 pm

All I say is buyer be aware, I don't want to go to your funeral because you where in the wrong place, take care
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