Narco Reten in Chapala last night
hound dog
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Narco Reten in Chapala last night
On the news this morning ; Police broke up a road block on the libramiento last night, called it a Narco-reten. one vehicle tried to flee but crashed. They caught a guy dressed as a police. The video footage was was at the intersection where black coffee is and the police were mostly Federal and State, with a couple of local trucks. They said that the municipality of Chapala was on Red Alert last night and they were expecting trouble between rival cartels in San Juan Cosala.
I couldn't understand a lot of what was said in an interview with one of the federal police because he had on a face mask and his mouth was just sounded like ,,,mwa bwa uba dubo blah....sorry .
I couldn't understand a lot of what was said in an interview with one of the federal police because he had on a face mask and his mouth was just sounded like ,,,mwa bwa uba dubo blah....sorry .
Last edited by Ms.Thang on Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:47 am; edited 1 time in total
Ms.Thang- Share Holder
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Re: Narco Reten in Chapala last night
This is what it has been all about - rival cartels, one trying to take over anothers turf. Not uncommon wherever a good drug trade is lucrative for the cartels. I believe that once a new cartel comes in, after wiping out whoever they need to get rid of, this will all go away like it never happenened. And Lakeside will go back to it's normal peaceful self. Then what will ya'll have to talk about, what it's like living in Paradise?
johninajijic- Share Holder
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Re: Narco Reten in Chapala last night
Thank you, Ms. Thang.
Trailrunner- Share Holder
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Re: Narco Reten in Chapala last night
Activan alerta por falso reten en carretera a Chapala
Anoche policías del municipio de la rivera de Chapala activaron una alerta intermunicipal por un supuesto reten de delincuentes en la carretera que va de Chapala a Ajijic.
En el operativo fue detenido un sujeto que a bordo de un vehículo llevaba ropa táctica.
Entre tanto en las últimas horas se registraron 4 ejecuciones en ZMG.
Activan alerta por falso reten en carretera a Chapala
Anoche policías del municipio de la rivera de Chapala activaron una alerta intermunicipal por un supuesto reten de delincuentes en la carretera que va de Chapala a Ajijic.
En el operativo fue detenido un sujeto que a bordo de un vehículo llevaba ropa táctica.
Entre tanto en las últimas horas se registraron 4 ejecuciones en ZMG.
Chapalagringa- Share Holder
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Re: Narco Reten in Chapala last night
another report...
Policías de Chapala diluyen falso retén en carretera
Nota publicada el 26 abril 2012 @ 10:42 en la(s) sección(es): Jalisco
Policías de Chapala diluyeron un falso retén en la carretera a la localidad, casi en el entronque con la que va a Ajijic.
A la llegada de los agentes al sitio se dispersaron varias personas que subieron a sus vehículos y huyeron.
Sin embargo se logró la detención de un individuo a bordo de un automóvil Nissan Tsuru, en el cual se le aseguró ropa táctica policial. (Por Juan Carlos Huerta Vázquez)
URL de la nota:
Policías de Chapala diluyen falso retén en carretera
Nota publicada el 26 abril 2012 @ 10:42 en la(s) sección(es): Jalisco
Policías de Chapala diluyeron un falso retén en la carretera a la localidad, casi en el entronque con la que va a Ajijic.
A la llegada de los agentes al sitio se dispersaron varias personas que subieron a sus vehículos y huyeron.
Sin embargo se logró la detención de un individuo a bordo de un automóvil Nissan Tsuru, en el cual se le aseguró ropa táctica policial. (Por Juan Carlos Huerta Vázquez)
URL de la nota:
Chapalagringa- Share Holder
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Re: Narco Reten in Chapala last night
Sure was nice that some of the police went around warning people last night.
Pánico por narco-retén en Chapala, Jalisco; hay un detenido
Organización Editorial Mexicana
26 de abril de 2012
Jesús Cervantes y Elizabeth Ibal/ El Occidental
Chapala, Jal.- Momentos de pánico vivieron habitantes del municipio de Chapala, luego de que por la madrugada presuntos integrantes de la delincuencia organizada montaron un retén con el objetivo de privar de la libertad a algunas personas, así como de amedrentar; por fortuna la rápida intervención de la policía los ahuyentó.
En su escape uno de los vehículos se estampó en un restaurante, pero sus ocupantes lo abandonaron en el lugar. Tras el operativo, se reportó la detención de un hombre.
Durante los primeros minutos de este jueves, pobladores de la delegación de Ajijic, perteneciente al municipio de Chapala, en la región Ciénega de la entidad, alertaron a la Dirección de Seguridad Pública de la presencia de sujetos armados a bordo de automotores, efectuando una irregular volanta en la carretera Chapala-Jocotepec, hecho que les infundía pavor.
Entonces los gendarmes municipales montaron un operativo para enfrentar a los pistoleros, pero antes de llegar a ese punto los presumibles delincuentes se fugaron a toda velocidad hacia Jocotepec, por lo que los accesos principales fueron restringidos a los automovilistas, para ese momento, más de una decenas de patrullas de la Policía Estatal ya se encontraban en el lugar apoyando las labores de búsqueda de los armados.
Posteriormente, se reportó que un coche se había impactado contra la fachada de un restaurante, en las cercanías de un conocido centro comercial, frente al balneario Tobolandia.
Con rapidez desplazaron una agrupación de uniformados, en ese sitio se localizó abandonado el automóvil Ford Focus, de color blanco, con placas de circulación MLC2547 del Estado de México. El interior del siniestrado vehículo de modelo reciente fue revisado, se hallaron fornituras, un par de botas tipo militar y demás implementos castrenses.
Se dio a conocer que la corporación ribereña detuvo a una persona presuntamente involucrada con los hampones, por lo que en las próximas horas será remitida ante la Procuraduría de Justicia de Jalisco para su indagación, por ahora su identidad no ha sido difundida.
Pánico por narco-retén en Chapala, Jalisco; hay un detenido
Organización Editorial Mexicana
26 de abril de 2012
Jesús Cervantes y Elizabeth Ibal/ El Occidental
Chapala, Jal.- Momentos de pánico vivieron habitantes del municipio de Chapala, luego de que por la madrugada presuntos integrantes de la delincuencia organizada montaron un retén con el objetivo de privar de la libertad a algunas personas, así como de amedrentar; por fortuna la rápida intervención de la policía los ahuyentó.
En su escape uno de los vehículos se estampó en un restaurante, pero sus ocupantes lo abandonaron en el lugar. Tras el operativo, se reportó la detención de un hombre.
Durante los primeros minutos de este jueves, pobladores de la delegación de Ajijic, perteneciente al municipio de Chapala, en la región Ciénega de la entidad, alertaron a la Dirección de Seguridad Pública de la presencia de sujetos armados a bordo de automotores, efectuando una irregular volanta en la carretera Chapala-Jocotepec, hecho que les infundía pavor.
Entonces los gendarmes municipales montaron un operativo para enfrentar a los pistoleros, pero antes de llegar a ese punto los presumibles delincuentes se fugaron a toda velocidad hacia Jocotepec, por lo que los accesos principales fueron restringidos a los automovilistas, para ese momento, más de una decenas de patrullas de la Policía Estatal ya se encontraban en el lugar apoyando las labores de búsqueda de los armados.
Posteriormente, se reportó que un coche se había impactado contra la fachada de un restaurante, en las cercanías de un conocido centro comercial, frente al balneario Tobolandia.
Con rapidez desplazaron una agrupación de uniformados, en ese sitio se localizó abandonado el automóvil Ford Focus, de color blanco, con placas de circulación MLC2547 del Estado de México. El interior del siniestrado vehículo de modelo reciente fue revisado, se hallaron fornituras, un par de botas tipo militar y demás implementos castrenses.
Se dio a conocer que la corporación ribereña detuvo a una persona presuntamente involucrada con los hampones, por lo que en las próximas horas será remitida ante la Procuraduría de Justicia de Jalisco para su indagación, por ahora su identidad no ha sido difundida.
Chapalagringa- Share Holder
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Re: Narco Reten in Chapala last night
Chapalagringa: Unless you have an excellent reason for doing so, posting in Spanish on an English web board doesn't compute very well.
A translation for the less than fluent in both languages would be appreciated.
A translation for the less than fluent in both languages would be appreciated.
gringal- Share Holder
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Re: Narco Reten in Chapala last night
Here you go Gringal:
"esus Cervantes and Elizabeth Ibal / The West
Chapala, Jalisco. - Moments of panic lived inhabitants of the municipality of Chapala, after the morning by suspected members of organized crime set up a roadblock with the aim of denying freedom to some people, so as to intimidate, for fortune rapid intervention of the police chased them away.
In their escape one of the vehicles slammed into a restaurant, but its occupants abandoned it in place. After the operation, reported the arrest of a man.
During the first minutes of Thursday, residents of the delegation of Ajijic, in the municipality of Chapala, in the region of the entity Cienega alerted the Public Security Directorate of the presence of armed men on board vehicles, making an irregular flywheel in the Chapala-Jocotepec road, which means they instilled fear.
Then the local gendarmes set up an operation to tackle the gunmen, but before reaching that point the presumed criminals fled at full speed toward Jocotepec, so the main entrances were restricted to drivers, at that time, more than one dozens of State Police patrols were already in place to support the work of searching for weapons.
Subsequently, it was reported that a car had struck the front of a restaurant near a popular shopping center, opposite the spa Tobolandia.
Quickly moved a group of soldiers, on that site was located abandoned the car Ford Focus, white, license plates MLC2547 the State of Mexico. The interior of the vehicle wrecked late model was reviewed, there were trimmings, a military-style boots and other military implements."
Please keep in mind that this is a Google translation and may not be 100% accurate!
"esus Cervantes and Elizabeth Ibal / The West
Chapala, Jalisco. - Moments of panic lived inhabitants of the municipality of Chapala, after the morning by suspected members of organized crime set up a roadblock with the aim of denying freedom to some people, so as to intimidate, for fortune rapid intervention of the police chased them away.
In their escape one of the vehicles slammed into a restaurant, but its occupants abandoned it in place. After the operation, reported the arrest of a man.
During the first minutes of Thursday, residents of the delegation of Ajijic, in the municipality of Chapala, in the region of the entity Cienega alerted the Public Security Directorate of the presence of armed men on board vehicles, making an irregular flywheel in the Chapala-Jocotepec road, which means they instilled fear.
Then the local gendarmes set up an operation to tackle the gunmen, but before reaching that point the presumed criminals fled at full speed toward Jocotepec, so the main entrances were restricted to drivers, at that time, more than one dozens of State Police patrols were already in place to support the work of searching for weapons.
Subsequently, it was reported that a car had struck the front of a restaurant near a popular shopping center, opposite the spa Tobolandia.
Quickly moved a group of soldiers, on that site was located abandoned the car Ford Focus, white, license plates MLC2547 the State of Mexico. The interior of the vehicle wrecked late model was reviewed, there were trimmings, a military-style boots and other military implements."
Please keep in mind that this is a Google translation and may not be 100% accurate!
CheenaGringo- Share Holder
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Re: Narco Reten in Chapala last night
To save others time, here is the Google translation from the prior post.
Moments of panic lived inhabitants of the municipality of Chapala, after the early morning suspected members of organized crime set up a roadblock with the aim of denying freedom to some people, so as to intimidate, fortunately the rapid intervention police drove them off.
In their escape one of the vehicles slammed into a restaurant, but its occupants abandoned it in place. After the operation, reported the arrest of a man.
During the first minutes of Thursday, residents of the delegation of Ajijic, in the municipality of Chapala, in the region of the entity Cienega alerted the Public Security Directorate of the presence of armed men on board vehicles, making an irregular flywheel in the Chapala-Jocotepec road, which means they instilled fear.
Then the local gendarmes set up an operation to tackle the gunmen, but before reaching that point the presumed criminals fled at full speed toward Jocotepec, so the main entrances were restricted to drivers, at that time, more than one dozens of State Police patrols were already in place to support the work of searching for weapons.
Subsequently, it was reported that a car had struck the front of a restaurant near a popular shopping center, opposite the spa Tobolandia.
Quickly moved a group of soldiers, on that site was located abandoned the car Ford Focus, white, license plates MLC2547 the State of Mexico. The interior of the vehicle wrecked late model was reviewed, there were trimmings, a military-style boots and other military implements.
It was announced that the corporation riparian arrested a person allegedly involved with gangsters, so in the coming hours will be forwarded to the Attorney General of Jalisco for inquiry, for now his identity has not been widespread.
Moments of panic lived inhabitants of the municipality of Chapala, after the early morning suspected members of organized crime set up a roadblock with the aim of denying freedom to some people, so as to intimidate, fortunately the rapid intervention police drove them off.
In their escape one of the vehicles slammed into a restaurant, but its occupants abandoned it in place. After the operation, reported the arrest of a man.
During the first minutes of Thursday, residents of the delegation of Ajijic, in the municipality of Chapala, in the region of the entity Cienega alerted the Public Security Directorate of the presence of armed men on board vehicles, making an irregular flywheel in the Chapala-Jocotepec road, which means they instilled fear.
Then the local gendarmes set up an operation to tackle the gunmen, but before reaching that point the presumed criminals fled at full speed toward Jocotepec, so the main entrances were restricted to drivers, at that time, more than one dozens of State Police patrols were already in place to support the work of searching for weapons.
Subsequently, it was reported that a car had struck the front of a restaurant near a popular shopping center, opposite the spa Tobolandia.
Quickly moved a group of soldiers, on that site was located abandoned the car Ford Focus, white, license plates MLC2547 the State of Mexico. The interior of the vehicle wrecked late model was reviewed, there were trimmings, a military-style boots and other military implements.
It was announced that the corporation riparian arrested a person allegedly involved with gangsters, so in the coming hours will be forwarded to the Attorney General of Jalisco for inquiry, for now his identity has not been widespread.
Re: Narco Reten in Chapala last night
Would that be Pranza that was struck?
Thanks for the translation, guys and google.
Thanks for the translation, guys and google.
gringal- Share Holder
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Re: Narco Reten in Chapala last night
By the op it sounded more like Black Coffee maybe? Idk. Wish I had a good translator :(. At least here's "proof" of something TO translate :). Word of mouth is still good in Mexico. I was looking for video coverage of the news report.
Chapalagringa- Share Holder
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Re: Narco Reten in Chapala last night
All this is pretty hilarious stuff and I love that moniker Ms. Thang. You couldn´t make this stuff up without bing ridiculed. I was actually thinking this was a real webboard and was completely flummoxed. This is some Canadian idea of humor, riight? I expect the next episode to be Escape From The Red Planet. with folks being pursued by giant mutant purple grasshoppers. Retirement can, at times, be boring unlike when Officer Billy Bob was chasing old Dawg down Commerce Street back in Alabama circa 1956 trying to recover that six pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon I had just stolen from Woolworth´s. Did your writer ever work for Ed Wood?
I suggest Plan Nine From Jocotepec for a telenovela that will last for decades.
I suggest Plan Nine From Jocotepec for a telenovela that will last for decades.
hound dog- Bad Dawg
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Re: Narco Reten in Chapala last night
hound dog wrote:All this is pretty hilarious stuff and I love that moniker Ms. Thang. You couldn´t make this stuff up without bing ridiculed. I was actually thinking this was a real webboard and was completely flummoxed. This is some Canadian idea of humor, riight? I expect the next episode to be Escape From The Red Planet. with folks being pursued by giant mutant purple grasshoppers. Retirement can, at times, be boring unlike when Officer Billy Bob was chasing old Dawg down Commerce Street back in Alabama circa 1956 trying to recover that six pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon I had just stolen from Woolworth´s. Did your writer ever work for Ed Wood?
I suggest Plan Nine From Jocotepec for a telenovela that will last for decades.
What a scream "Plan Nine from Jocotepec" LOL He is spoofing Plan Nine from Outer Space. Last Bela movie and I think Tor was in it. Have a copy NOB.
Generally regarded as the worst mainstream movie ever made. I think Bela died halfway through the movie and thats why you see the back of coats in a lot
of the movie.
You gonna write the script Dawg? I moved the movie thing to a seperate post. We probably should go there as this post is more serious.
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Re: Narco Reten in Chapala last night
CG and juanrey - Good translations to help understand.
johninajijic- Share Holder
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Using Google Translate
It is easy to use google translate. Here is the link - wrote:CG and juanrey - Good translations to help understand.
One approach is to bookmark the URL for google translate - so when you want to translate a webpage, just click the bookmark and then copy the url of the webpage you want to translate into the google translate text box - and follow the simple instructions.
Mad_Max- Share Holder
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Re: Narco Reten in Chapala last night
Up until today, I had a little button with a "T" that I could click on when I had a web page open and it would open the translated page in a new window. The URL it provided was to the translated version. For some reason, it just went away and now I am forced to go find it again. I have my Google Translate set to automatically translate any page which opens in Spanish.
CheenaGringo- Share Holder
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Re: Narco Reten in Chapala last night
I hope this will be helpful to those who asked for a better translation. It's not word for word but I tried not to change the story.
Chapala, Jal - Inhabitants of the municipality of Chapala lived moments of fear after persons presumed to be members of organized crime set up a road block with the intentions to detain (deprive them of their liberty) and terrify people on the road. Fortunately, rapid Police intervention frightened them away.
In their escape one of the vehicles crashed into a restaurant and the occupants abandoned the car there. Through this operation, one man is reported to have been detained.
During the first few minutes of Thursday, people in Ajijc alerted Public security authorities of the presence of armed subjects aboard automobiles *causing irregular and violent turn of traffic on the carreterra Chapala - Jocotepec and terrorizing (people).
*Difficult to translate, any suggestions?
Then the local authorities formed an operation to apprehend the gunmen but before they could arrive at this point, the delinquents took off at full speed toward Jocotepec. For this reason traffic was restricted from main roads and access points. More than a dozen State police were already in place to help in the search for the gunmen.
Later it was reported that a car had crashed into the outside of a restaurant near the mall in front of Tobolandia. Here a car with mexico State Plates was found. A search of the car revealed weapons, a pair of Military style boots, and other military effects.
It was announced that the detained person arrested was presumed to be involved in organized crime so he will be turned over for interrogation. His identity has not been released
Chapala, Jal - Inhabitants of the municipality of Chapala lived moments of fear after persons presumed to be members of organized crime set up a road block with the intentions to detain (deprive them of their liberty) and terrify people on the road. Fortunately, rapid Police intervention frightened them away.
In their escape one of the vehicles crashed into a restaurant and the occupants abandoned the car there. Through this operation, one man is reported to have been detained.
During the first few minutes of Thursday, people in Ajijc alerted Public security authorities of the presence of armed subjects aboard automobiles *causing irregular and violent turn of traffic on the carreterra Chapala - Jocotepec and terrorizing (people).
*Difficult to translate, any suggestions?
Then the local authorities formed an operation to apprehend the gunmen but before they could arrive at this point, the delinquents took off at full speed toward Jocotepec. For this reason traffic was restricted from main roads and access points. More than a dozen State police were already in place to help in the search for the gunmen.
Later it was reported that a car had crashed into the outside of a restaurant near the mall in front of Tobolandia. Here a car with mexico State Plates was found. A search of the car revealed weapons, a pair of Military style boots, and other military effects.
It was announced that the detained person arrested was presumed to be involved in organized crime so he will be turned over for interrogation. His identity has not been released
Ms.Thang- Share Holder
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Re: Narco Reten in Chapala last night
causing "irregular and violent turn of traffic on the carreterra Chapala - Jocotepec and terrorizing (people). "
"Volanta" is a roving motorized team of specialized officers who set up a roadblock or stop traffic looking for something in particular (similar to SWAT teams or maybe a British "flying squad"). In this case the article means there was an irregular (illegal) road block. The term is used fairly frequently in the Guadalajara press.
"Volanta" is a roving motorized team of specialized officers who set up a roadblock or stop traffic looking for something in particular (similar to SWAT teams or maybe a British "flying squad"). In this case the article means there was an irregular (illegal) road block. The term is used fairly frequently in the Guadalajara press.
Ricardo- Share Holder
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Re: Narco Reten in Chapala last night
Gracias por su ayuda, Ricardo. Lizzy
bobnliz- Share Holder
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