Allopathic vs Naturopathic Medicine
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Allopathic vs Naturopathic Medicine
Since there seems to be some confusion and misunderstanding amongst a few of you about this topic, I am posting an article I wrote on the differences of Allopathic medicine and Naturopathic medicine. Granted this applies to the US and most likely Canada, it does not seem to apply to Mexico. Read it and find out the difference. It may or may not change any minds, but at least you will know the difference.
Re: Allopathic vs Naturopathic Medicine
An interesting read, Dr. Mike.
Irish Gal- Share Holder
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Re: Allopathic vs Naturopathic Medicine
drmike wrote:Since there seems to be some confusion and misunderstanding amongst a few of you about this topic, I am posting an article I wrote on the differences of Allopathic medicine and Naturopathic medicine. Granted this applies to the US and most likely Canada, it does not seem to apply to Mexico. Read it and find out the difference. It may or may not change any minds, but at least you will know the difference.
With regards to Allopathic... whatever happened to " First, do no harm...? "
hockables- Share Holder
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Re: Allopathic vs Naturopathic Medicine
I find it very difficult to sort out which of each method is best for my situation. If I knew for sure which was the best approach, I would be a Dr. instead of a slum landlord.
Walter- Share Holder
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Re: Allopathic vs Naturopathic Medicine
I read your article on stantins, one thing I have noticed is the leg cramps these people have, plus add alcohol to the mix and acetaminophen or naproxen. I am no Dr that sounds deadly.
espíritu del lago- Share Holder
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