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Cast Iron

Jim W
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Cast Iron Empty Cast Iron

Post by mattoleriver Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:32 pm

I would appreciate a little bit of help with a translation. If it matters I am in Oregon.

A friend has a cleaning service come in two mornings per month to help her keep ahead of the housekeeping. My friend is rarely ever home when the cleaners are there. One of the cleaners is the service owner and is fairly fluent in English but communicates with her assistant in Spanish. The other cleaner is often a different person each time and none seem to speak any English.

Now the problem: my friend has resorted to hiding her cast iron skillets (when she remembers!) to keep overzealous cleaners from putting them in the dishwasher. She has thought that the problem was solved a few times only to find her prized skillets right back in the dishwasher the next time. Cast Iron 851398

I would like to make some magnets for my friend to put on her skillets advising that they not be washed. The message must be tactful, succinct and unmistakeable. Tactful, succinct, unmistakeable. Very Happy

Thanks for any suggestions.
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Cast Iron Empty Re: Cast Iron

Post by Jim W Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:40 pm

mattoleriver wrote:I would appreciate a little bit of help with a translation. If it matters I am in Oregon.

A friend has a cleaning service come in two mornings per month to help her keep ahead of the housekeeping. My friend is rarely ever home when the cleaners are there. One of the cleaners is the service owner and is fairly fluent in English but communicates with her assistant in Spanish. The other cleaner is often a different person each time and none seem to speak any English.

Now the problem: my friend has resorted to hiding her cast iron skillets (when she remembers!) to keep overzealous cleaners from putting them in the dishwasher. She has thought that the problem was solved a few times only to find her prized skillets right back in the dishwasher the next time. Cast Iron 851398

I would like to make some magnets for my friend to put on her skillets advising that they not be washed. The message must be tactful, succinct and unmistakeable. Tactful, succinct, unmistakeable. Very Happy

Thanks for any suggestions.

LMAO, They can't do it USA razberry ...No offense intended....but WTF...sorry

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Cast Iron Empty Re: Cast Iron

Post by mattoleriver Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:23 pm

Jim W wrote:
LMAO, They can't do it USA razberry ...No offense intended....but WTF...sorry

Jim, I kinda expected that. I'm having a problem finding a term for cast iron. Maybe somebody will know.
Anyway, now that I have your attention what is that thing in your avatar? Is that something from one of your fishing trips?

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Cast Iron Empty Re: Cast Iron

Post by sparks Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:41 pm

cast iron, cast-iron n (iron that is moulded) fundición nf
Todas nuestras estufas a leña están hechas de fundición.
(All our stoves are made of cast iron)
hierro fundido nm
México hierro colado nm

Just an Internet lookup
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Cast Iron Empty Re: Cast Iron

Post by Big Daddy Mexico Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:11 pm

This would be the translation that my wife said should work. Good Luck

No poner las ollas de acero en la lava platos[b] flag waver
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Cast Iron Empty Re: Cast Iron

Post by Smartalex Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:49 pm

No lava.
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Cast Iron Empty Re: Cast Iron

Post by ferret Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:38 pm

Don't touch!

If you say you don't want them put in the dishwasher, they will still try to wash them by hand...and, unfortunately, still mess them up. It takes a lot of effort to season a cast iron pan properly.
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Cast Iron Empty Re: Cast Iron

Post by casi nada Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:47 pm

Smartalex and Ferret:

Please. Your use of the command form is incorrect and if you do the command form without a "por favor" you end up looking like a "pinche gringo" asshole.

"No lave por favor" or "No laves por favor"

"No toque por favor" or "No toques por favor".

"Por favor no lave el sartén" would be polite and get the point across without sounding like an arrogant pendejo.

casi nada
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Cast Iron Empty Re: Cast Iron

Post by ferret Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:59 pm

Thank you for the corrections...they are appreciated.
Unfortunately, I do sound like a pissed off arrogant pendejo when I have asked politely at least five times and my polite requests are not observed. 'nuff said?
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Cast Iron Empty Re: Cast Iron

Post by casi nada Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:20 pm

ferret wrote:Thank you for the corrections...they are appreciated.
Unfortunately, I do sound like a pissed off arrogant pendejo when I have asked politely at least five times and my polite requests are not observed. 'nuff said?

Well, maybe "nuff said", but if you're a woman you're a "pendeja" not a "pendejo".

Also, if your relationship with your workers is such that you have to state things like "No Toca!" then maybe it's time to check if you're maybe having a communication problem. If I asked for something "at least five times" and it wasn't being carried out, I would have a chat with my employee and try to figure out what is going wrong. Usually it's a communication problem. I've had many employees here in Mexico and I've never had to resort to a request like "No Toca!" Maybe I'm just lucky.

casi nada
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Cast Iron Empty Re: Cast Iron

Post by ferret Sun Jun 10, 2012 12:28 am

You are lucky and I have been lucky in the past. Nine years with the same housekeeper in San Miguel and five with the same housekeeper in San Pancho. In both cases no communication problems and, at the most, had to politely ask for something to be done a certain way perhaps twice.
I'm just feelin' like a pendeja tonight.
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Cast Iron Empty Re: Cast Iron

Post by Smartalex Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:35 am

casi nada wrote:Smartalex and Ferret:

Please. Your use of the command form is incorrect and if you do the command form without a "por favor" you end up looking like a "pinche gringo" asshole.

"No lave por favor" or "No laves por favor"

"No toque por favor" or "No toques por favor".

"Por favor no lave el sartén" would be polite and get the point across without sounding like an arrogant pendejo.

Yeah, thanks for the correction...pendejo!
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Cast Iron Empty Re: Cast Iron

Post by mattoleriver Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:43 am

I'm the O.P. and I thank all of you, yeah, even Jim W. Very Happy
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Cast Iron Empty Re: Cast Iron

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