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Help evaluating wireless phone/modem plans

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Help evaluating wireless phone/modem plans Empty Help evaluating wireless phone/modem plans

Post by merry Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:08 pm

I'm moving to a new house that has two choices for Internet, both in use at the location: HughesDirect, with tepid reviews, and a Iusacell wireless hotspot modem sold out of many locations in Guad. I'm told the second is better because a cell tower is very nearby.

I was hoping there would be some kind of "unlimited" plan because I am an itinerant Internet worker and can't survive without Internet, but I would prefer to figure out my actual usage if possible and match plans that way.

Can anyone tell me how figure out what is my current actual (Telmex) Internet usage per month in MBs, so I can figure out if any of these plans are reasonable? Even a week of usage would be useful information.


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Help evaluating wireless phone/modem plans Empty Re: Help evaluating wireless phone/modem plans

Post by sparks Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:27 pm

I have a Telcel contract because Iusacell does not work here and Telmex is a tight-ass organization (lots of customers or no service). Hughes Net is garbage and expensive.

My Telcel is for 10 gigs and as long as you are not on YouTube all day it will be within limits. Cost is less than $600 pesos and speed is reasonable. I assume Iusacell will be similar but coverage is all important
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Help evaluating wireless phone/modem plans Empty Re: Help evaluating wireless phone/modem plans

Post by hockables Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:42 pm

merry wrote:I'm moving to a new house that has two choices for Internet, both in use at the location: HughesDirect, with tepid reviews, and a Iusacell wireless hotspot modem sold out of many locations in Guad. I'm told the second is better because a cell tower is very nearby.

I was hoping there would be some kind of "unlimited" plan because I am an itinerant Internet worker and can't survive without Internet, but I would prefer to figure out my actual usage if possible and match plans that way.

Can anyone tell me how figure out what is my current actual (Telmex) Internet usage per month in MBs, so I can figure out if any of these plans are reasonable? Even a week of usage would be useful information.


A fella we don't hear from anymore moved across the water... he said the phone service over there was the biggest problem he had to deal with... but personally.... I think the scorpions got him
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Help evaluating wireless phone/modem plans Empty Re: Help evaluating wireless phone/modem plans

Post by merry Fri Jul 13, 2012 9:14 am

hockables wrote:Can anyone tell me how figure out what is my current actual (Telmex) Internet usage per month in MBs, so I can figure out if any of these plans are reasonable? Even a week of usage would be useful information.

A fella we don't hear from anymore moved across the water... he said the phone service over there was the biggest problem he had to deal with... but personally.... I think the scorpions got him[/quote]

There IS no landline phone service where I am going, so I don't have to deal with that problem.


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Help evaluating wireless phone/modem plans Empty Re: Help evaluating wireless phone/modem plans

Post by Viajero-Tiempo Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:53 am

Does LagunaNet serve your prospective location?
Pete Johan.. might be able to help you with that possibility.

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Help evaluating wireless phone/modem plans Empty Re: Help evaluating wireless phone/modem plans

Post by CanuckBob Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:56 am

Talk with our member AlbertRV. He runs Monarch Hosting services on the SouthShore.
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Help evaluating wireless phone/modem plans Empty Re: Help evaluating wireless phone/modem plans

Post by merry Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:28 am

CanuckBob wrote:Talk with our member AlbertRV. He runs Monarch Hosting services on the SouthShore.

Talking with Albert now.


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Help evaluating wireless phone/modem plans Empty Re: Help evaluating wireless phone/modem plans

Post by MexicoPete Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:28 am

In ref to They have chosen not to provide service to the other side of the lake, because of reliability problems to that area because it's so far away and over water.
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