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Wireless Extenders, Access Points... equipment in general

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Wireless Extenders, Access Points... equipment in general Empty Wireless Extenders, Access Points... equipment in general

Post by ComputerGuy Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:49 pm

I have more and more call for so-called "wireless extenders" from my clients around Lakeside. BUT over the years I've tested and turfed many, because they just don't like working with the never-ending series of odd modem/routers that TelMex uses. TelMex themselves sell a little "repeater", but that thingy needs to line-of-sight with the original modem (or close to it), and that pretty much defeats the purpose.

Might I ask those who have such a thing in use: What brand/model you have; if you puchased it in Mexico; and were you able to set it up yourself?

Thanks, everyone.
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Wireless Extenders, Access Points... equipment in general Empty Re: Wireless Extenders, Access Points... equipment in general

Post by Viajero-Tiempo Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:25 pm

I use a LinkSys N router (an old and cheapo version) (as a cascaded router).
Use a 20 ft e'net cable connection to provide an alternative line-of-sight/line of signal. And, the old linksys has a (somewhat) better broadcast radio.

So between the HG530 (I think) and the linksys, i can be anywhere in the house or jardin.

Benno used to use old Linksys routers and dd-wrt to create wireless repeaters for sharing or mobility. I'd bet you could do that too HG. I would have but my old linksys is not supported by DD-WRT. Besides, the wired connection between to two routers is much faster

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Wireless Extenders, Access Points... equipment in general Empty Re: Wireless Extenders, Access Points... equipment in general

Post by ComputerGuy Thu Jul 26, 2012 6:08 pm

Yeah, need to avoid connecting the two routers physically. Will do that to set it up initially, then remove ethernet cable and go wireless. But I have a couple of brands here that just won't do it, no matter what.
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Wireless Extenders, Access Points... equipment in general Empty Re: Wireless Extenders, Access Points... equipment in general

Post by casi nada Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:44 pm

HelperGuy wrote:Yeah, need to avoid connecting the two routers physically. Will do that to set it up initially, then remove ethernet cable and go wireless. But I have a couple of brands here that just won't do it, no matter what.

I use this one with a 6 year old 2Wire router. The extender is about 50 feet from the router and does NOT have line of sight:


Set it up myself and works perfectly.

casi nada
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