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password stolen

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password stolen Empty password stolen

Post by MexicoPete Thu Aug 16, 2012 4:32 pm

My password may have been highjacked. If so and you find some really strange posts by me, you will know why. I may not be able to log in again because either I screwed up or someone has my password.

Sure hope I'm just being paranoid.


PS, if it was highjacked, it was I who screwed up. I won't go into it here.

maybe I should change my name to "El Stupido"
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password stolen Empty Re: password stolen

Post by Jim W Thu Aug 16, 2012 4:37 pm

MexicoPete wrote:My password may have been highjacked. If so and you find some really strange posts by me, you will know why. I may not be able to log in again because either I screwed up or someone has my password.

Sure hope I'm just being paranoid.


PS, if it was highjacked, it was I who screwed up. I won't go into it here.

maybe I should change my name to "El Stupido"

Pete, contact the Mod.........he will reset........BTW some posts haven't been strange at all of late cheers ....not that is scary.
Jim W
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password stolen Empty Re: password stolen

Post by MexicoPete Thu Aug 16, 2012 4:52 pm

Also, my picture or Avator and signature now longer show up.

Of course after I post this and check it, now my picture and signature shows up again.

Who knows
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password stolen Empty Re: password stolen

Post by MexicoPete Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:09 am

Problem solved. Password changed. The experts all say we should change our important passwords often, some suggest up to a couple of times per year, something almost none of us do, myself included
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password stolen Empty Re: password stolen

Post by arbon Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:56 pm

MexicoPete wrote:My password may have been highjacked. If so and you find some really strange posts by me, you will know why. I may not be able to log in again because either I screwed up or someone has my password.

Sure hope I'm just being paranoid.


PS, if it was highjacked, it was I who screwed up. I won't go into it here.

maybe I should change my name to "El Stupido"

Shaw thinks it was a general cookie problem?
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password stolen Empty Re: password stolen

Post by Jim W Fri Aug 17, 2012 4:02 pm

arbon wrote:
MexicoPete wrote:My password may have been highjacked. If so and you find some really strange posts by me, you will know why. I may not be able to log in again because either I screwed up or someone has my password.

Sure hope I'm just being paranoid.


PS, if it was highjacked, it was I who screwed up. I won't go into it here.

maybe I should change my name to "El Stupido"

Shaw thinks it was a general cookie problem?

Cookie or BROWNIE problem LMAO?
Jim W
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password stolen Empty Re: password stolen

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