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Joco bypass - current condition?

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Joco bypass - current condition? Empty Joco bypass - current condition?

Post by David Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:28 pm

Has anyone used the Joco bypass recently? We're headed to Manzanillo next week and are curious how rough the end of it is. Passable for a normal car?
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Joco bypass - current condition? Empty Re: Joco bypass - current condition?

Post by martygraw Fri Aug 24, 2012 9:30 pm

It is pretty rough coming off the west end, just go slow and there should be no problem. I drove it tonight.
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Joco bypass - current condition? Empty Re: Joco bypass - current condition?

Post by E-raq Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:09 pm

Not real good on thursday. Part of the mountain which had been cemented had detached itself and was preparing to slide down on top of unwary passers by.

I'd stay off it, we were surprised to see it open at all after going by in the morning.
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Joco bypass - current condition? Empty Re: Joco bypass - current condition?

Post by Mainecoons Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:40 pm

What a boondoggle!
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Joco bypass - current condition? Empty Re: Joco bypass - current condition?

Post by simpsca Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:23 pm

I used it this past Monday and yes there were huge parts of the hill on the road - and parts that had spray cement or whatever they use to stabilize the loose rocks. But since there is so little traffic it was easy to go around the rocks on the road and the end where you connect to the surfaced road is rough but was passable on Monday. It saves a lot of time for me to go into Guadalajara this way so I appreciate any current reports on the condition of the by-pass.
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Joco bypass - current condition? Empty Re: Joco bypass - current condition?

Post by Trailrunner Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:26 pm

It started out as a political trophy and went immediately to 'boondoggle' then to political nightmare, and now a political football as it enters its third municipal administration. It was never constructed correctly, it's probably still not paid for, and the current shoring up is merely cosmetics designed by Wing and a Prayer Construction Co.
Stay off of it, at least in the rainy season.
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Joco bypass - current condition? Empty Re: Joco bypass - current condition?

Post by simpsca Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:36 pm

I'm glad it's there, but don't like the work of Wing and Prayer Construction Co. A friend of mine is a former Civil Engineer and when we drove it together a month ago to get him to the hospital fast, he gave me a run down on what they should have done in building that road.
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Joco bypass - current condition? Empty Re: Joco bypass - current condition?

Post by johninajijic Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:01 pm

simpsca wrote:I'm glad it's there, but don't like the work of Wing and Prayer Construction Co. A friend of mine is a former Civil Engineer and when we drove it together a month ago to get him to the hospital fast, he gave me a run down on what they should have done in building that road.

Maybe it should be called Dumber and Dumbest Construction. All types of construction available, not guaranteed. LOL
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Joco bypass - current condition? Empty Re: Joco bypass - current condition?

Post by cosalamx Sat Aug 25, 2012 5:44 pm

We too drove the By-pass this morning, and felt it was safe, as long as you watch where you are going, and also good for a laugh to see how not to build a road, much like the re-do of the main road into Jocotepec, which is now under a major repair since it is disintegrating. Some of the road construction here is like putting lipstick on a pig. Large sections of the cement coating sprayed onto the hill has slid off like icing.

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Joco bypass - current condition? Empty Re: Joco bypass - current condition?

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