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looking for my friend

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looking for my friend Empty looking for my friend

Post by worriedfriend Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:20 pm

my friend Peter Trevanna was in the Jalisco/ Lake Chapala area. he's an Australian who was working on someone's home & trying to emigrate to the US. both his arms have tattoo sleeves &, last we knew, he has 2 cats, an orange named Norman & a white named Lizzie. he hasn't been heard from since April 5. if you know Peter or have heard any info, please tell him that his American friends are extremely worried.
looking for my friend Attachment
621205_466677850022057_353242239_o.jpg this is Peter TrevannaYou don't have permission to download attachments.(492 Kb) Downloaded 51 times


Posts : 3
Join date : 2012-09-02

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looking for my friend Empty Re: looking for my friend

Post by johninajijic Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:50 pm

worriedfriend wrote:hello,
my friend Peter Trevanna was in the Jalisco/ Lake Chapala area. he's an Australian who was working on someone's home & trying to emigrate to the US. both his arms have tattoo sleeves &, last we knew, he has 2 cats, an orange named Norman & a white named Lizzie. he hasn't been heard from since April 5. if you know Peter or have heard any info, please tell him that his American friends are extremely worried.

You need to post this on It's also widely read at Lakeside.
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looking for my friend Empty Re: looking for my friend

Post by worriedfriend Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:55 pm

thank you!!


Posts : 3
Join date : 2012-09-02

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looking for my friend Empty Re: looking for my friend

Post by worriedfriend Mon Sep 03, 2012 3:08 pm

thank you, johninajijic, for pointing me to that forum. i've received information on my friend


Posts : 3
Join date : 2012-09-02

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