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Help with house paint color, your opinion and sample houses por favor

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Help with house paint color, your opinion and sample houses por favor Empty Help with house paint color, your opinion and sample houses por favor

Post by solajijic Fri Sep 14, 2012 1:40 pm

Our house is presently a medium peach, ugh. So its going to be painted. The house to the north is a yellow gold, the house to the south is a rusty red. The houses across the street are dark brown, white and lime green and a orange and a purple. Green is out becaue there is a whole string of sculpted ficus trees on our side and green would take away how nice those add to the street. I am thinking a medium to medium dark blue with NO gray undertone with medium cream for the window concrete accents and the double door entry and garage doors and the iron work black The interior pool and garden walls are to be stark white.

Does anyone have a nice blue house in their neighborhood we could drive by?

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Help with house paint color, your opinion and sample houses por favor Empty Re: Help with house paint color, your opinion and sample houses por favor

Post by gringal Fri Sep 14, 2012 2:12 pm

Here's some thoughts on color: Blue, whether light or dark, is a color doomed to fade. The problem is that it won't fade evenly. Same with the blue-reds, like magenta.
It used to be that Sherwin Williams had the most pigment in their paints, but that changed along the way and now I'd suggest Berel, heading west on the Carreterra, on the right, almost as far as Roberto's. We recently used it; the painter loved it and it's standing up well in the sun.
The dark brown across the street at #4 seems to be holding up and wouldn't be a bad choice, considering your neighbors' colors. The reddish brown is good, too.
Good luck there.

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Help with house paint color, your opinion and sample houses por favor Empty Re: Help with house paint color, your opinion and sample houses por favor

Post by Parker Fri Sep 14, 2012 2:36 pm

I agree with “gringal” blue has the least stability and streaks when it fades. If your house is entirely in the shade, perhaps, but if you’re fussy count on repainting again within 1 to 2 years. If you really just love this color, what the hell. There is a reason that many in this semi-tropical climate paint in adobe colors, it last and it’s normally pleasing to the eye with this intense sun. Too bad you’re tired of medium-peach great color for semi-tropics and this intense sun. Good luck.

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Help with house paint color, your opinion and sample houses por favor Empty Re: Help with house paint color, your opinion and sample houses por favor

Post by solajijic Fri Sep 14, 2012 3:48 pm

Shoot you are right about the blue. I had forgotten. The brown has held up well. The peach fades to a the flesh color in the old crayola boxes. And to be honest I do not have a peachy personality.

keep the thoughts coming, thanks.

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Help with house paint color, your opinion and sample houses por favor Empty Re: Help with house paint color, your opinion and sample houses por favor

Post by gringal Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:29 pm

Before rejecting the green outright, check out the newly painted light green house on the corner across from LCS...the one with the mural of the little girl on the 16 Septiembre st. side. Unlike many of the greens around town, it's easy on the eyes, and the dark ficus trees would show well against it.

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Help with house paint color, your opinion and sample houses por favor Empty Re: Help with house paint color, your opinion and sample houses por favor

Post by Ms.Thang Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:47 pm

I love this can select a certain type of house and then try on's so cool

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Help with house paint color, your opinion and sample houses por favor Empty Re: Help with house paint color, your opinion and sample houses por favor

Post by CheenaGringo Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:17 pm

Definition of a camel = horse designed by a committee.

This is such an open ended question that to my way of thinking has only one answer: whatever color trips your trigger since you are the one who must live with it. Others can simply walk or drive by and criticize.

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Help with house paint color, your opinion and sample houses por favor Empty Re: Help with house paint color, your opinion and sample houses por favor

Post by ferret Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:06 pm

We mixed 5in1 sealer with our exterior paint by Comex on the didn't fade at all.
Periwinkle Blue does it for me especially with the bright green of the Ficus trees or any other climbing vine that you may plant. I would then do the trim in a similar green as the new Ficus leaves but keeping it in the same colour range as the Periwinkle blue.
You may want to rethink the stark white around the will be very hard on the eyes when the sun hits the water and reflects.
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Help with house paint color, your opinion and sample houses por favor Empty Re: Help with house paint color, your opinion and sample houses por favor

Post by Carry Bean Sat Sep 15, 2012 8:59 am

I'd rethink the green too. I tried out some paint colors on my wall & wanted green but thought the plants wouldn't look good against it & I was surprised at how it looked. This was sort of a khaki/camouflage green color. It's what I'm going with next year when I paint with a light terra cotta accent wall in the back garden. Still undecided about what color to do the bars & garage door.

Unless, of course, you just don't like green.

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Help with house paint color, your opinion and sample houses por favor Empty Re: Help with house paint color, your opinion and sample houses por favor

Post by simpsca Sat Sep 15, 2012 9:55 am

I've had two houses painted an adobe color on the outside. It held up the best of all the colors I've used. A dark yellow also held it's color.
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