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Internet problem need help

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Internet problem need help Empty Internet problem need help

Post by juanrey Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:28 am

I'm setting up the internet at the new rental house and am having a problem connecting.
I got the modem on Friday and as of Tuesday night it was showing internet available.
But when I enter the WAP number it just goes into a loop "acquiring network address".
I'm running XP on this laptop, and I'm going to try a Windows 7 box this morning, but if anyone has had a similar experience and a solution I would appreciate any suggestions.

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Internet problem need help Empty Re: Internet problem need help

Post by CanuckBob Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:39 am

This is just a shot in the dark, go under the "security tab" on your wireless network settings and ensure that it is set for WAP2-personal with encryption type set at AES.

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Internet problem need help Empty Re: Internet problem need help

Post by juanrey Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:34 am

I'll give it a shot. Brought the other laptop with Windows 7 and it connected right up and is twice as fast as the old rental.
Must be an issue with the XP, but as long as I have one that works, I can figure the other out.

Thanks Bob, you must be getting close to coming back down. We'll have to have a glass of wine on the new patio. Hi to Sharon.

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Internet problem need help Empty Re: Internet problem need help

Post by ComputerGuy Wed Sep 26, 2012 11:17 am

Make sure your PC has the right security type selected. Open-WEP was the norm until the new modems, which use WPA2-PSK. Your XP may need to have it's security connections redefined. Windows 7 is better at automating that.

You can also get into your new modem by typing into your browser:, and entering TELMEX as the user (in caps) and the security code from the modem. Then go to Home Network > Interfaces to determine the current security mode.

This may sound too difficult, but I was accused on TOB by some complete dork that I "never give quite enough information" to help, and instead use my posts for advertising purposes. Geez.
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