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Again to all Animal Lovers

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Again to all Animal Lovers Empty Again to all Animal Lovers

Post by lands end Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:36 pm

Again to all Animal Lovers.

The newest rumor which is going around town is that the Lakeside Spay & Neuter Center is closing and all animals residing at the Ranch will be euthanized. Let me assure you that this is only a rumor started by a sick mind. In the last nine years "The Lakeside Spay and Neuter Center" has helped more dogs than any other Animal Organization in town and will continue to do so. We are a no kill Shelter and intend to stay that way. Our policy is that all life is important and only when absolutely necessary will we end a life in order to release it from pain. The Lakeside Spay & Neuter "Ranch" is a place that represents safety and hope to the unwanted. We are dedicated to help ALL animals regardless of apperance or ownership. In time their trust will be restored, their tails begin to wag and our hearts overflow.
It is sad that someone starts spreading total lies in order to make themselves look better or more important. We at the Spay and Neuter Center are dedicated to the well being of all animals and have altered close to 10,000 animals.
Ten years ago the Ranch was built with the proceeds of fundraisers and donations large and small by the community on land leased for one US dollar a year.
Since it became the Lakeside Spay & Neuter Center in 2001 our policy to help all dogs and be a no kill Shelter has never changed and never will. All dogs that find their way to the Ranch are altered, have their shots and a home for life unless they find a home of their own.

A big thank you to all the animal lovers that came to our Community Meeting, became Charter Members, pledged time to spend at the Ranch and truly help us continue keeping this a Community Project.

Thank You,

Gudrun Jones, President of the Spay & Neuter Ranch and Adoption Center - Formally known as The Lakeside Spay & Neuter Center, A.C.

lands end

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Join date : 2010-06-16

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Again to all Animal Lovers Empty Re: Again to all Animal Lovers

Post by itsme Fri Aug 13, 2010 9:13 pm

This is something that was on tob and I felt it should be passed along . . . .

"I have been asked to address a disheartening issue with you.

Apparently someone has started a nasty rumor that LS&N will be closing the ranch and euthanizing all the dogs there. Again to all Animal Lovers 018

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THIS IS NOT TRUE!!! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The fact is that LS&N is still in business, taking in and adopting out dogs, spaying and neutering, giving medical care to those dogs in need, continuing to provide a service to the community.

Please, if you hear someone repeating this falsehood, give them the actual facts. LS&N is up and running as ususal and will still accept all volunteers, donations, etc. Do not repeat it as it will harm LS&N, causing them to lose much needed donations of food and money as well as volunteers who will think there is no longer a need for them.

REMEMBER: News of their untimely demise is completely untrue!

Thanks for listening."

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Again to all Animal Lovers Empty Re: Again to all Animal Lovers

Post by miendo Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:16 am

Here's their current and active website
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Again to all Animal Lovers Empty Re: Again to all Animal Lovers

Post by Carry Bean Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:33 am

What's with these idiots starting nasty rumors like this? Talk about needing to get a life!

Carry Bean
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Again to all Animal Lovers Empty Re: Again to all Animal Lovers

Post by Lehrer Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:51 am

Carry Bean wrote:What's with these idiots starting nasty rumors like this? Talk about needing to get a life!
It's bad enough that some ill-intentioned person starts such a rumor; just as bad are those who repeat it as fact, without checking.
Again to all Animal Lovers 18717
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