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UPS drop place

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UPS drop place Empty UPS drop place

Post by The Postman Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:02 pm

Just recieved a UPS express and a return envelope was included for UPS. Who handles UPS in the area or is there a number to schedule a package pickup?
thanks in advance

The Postman
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UPS drop place Empty Re: UPS drop place

Post by The Postman Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:57 pm

answered my own question. Mail box,etc. The UPS envelope took one day from the state and had prepaid return UPS envelope inside...mailbox etc. took it for no charge and made a copy so I had the tracking number..great service

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UPS drop place Empty Re: UPS drop place

Post by The Postman Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:57 pm

oops the state was MN

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UPS drop place Empty Re: UPS drop place

Post by joec Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:33 pm

The Postman wrote:oops the state was MN

You can have UPS pick up/deliver from your home address 5 days a week.

I NEVER use Mailboxes etc. They charge too much for UPS and Fed Ex packages.

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UPS drop place Empty Re: UPS drop place

Post by Flamingo Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:40 pm

Sol y Luna also offers UPS service. Plus, as John said, you can schedule home pickup and delivery if you live in the municipality of Chapala.
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UPS drop place Empty Re: UPS drop place

Post by The Postman Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:02 am

I was mainly looking for a local drop place for UPS. I called UPS 800 number and was told by Mexican UPS I had to drive to Guad to drop the envelope off. UPS also couldn't or wouldn't tell me if there was a pickup charge but would be around sometime in the afternoon. I like the foreign films in the afternoon at LCS and didn't want to wait between 1 and 6 pm for a pickup. There is far too much to do around here to sit for 5 hours waiting.
I did bring stamps and priority envelopes down so I could mail it at LCS on Thursday when I went to the movie but that was $5.15 out of my pocket and the UPS envelope was prepaid.
I also called Sol y Luna yesterday and they said they didn't handle UPS only FED EX.
After all this I drove to Super Lake for some goods and noticed the sign in Mailboxes Etc.'s window that said they handled UPS. I took my envelope in and the young lady at the counter was friendly and helpful.When she took the envelope from me she asked if I had the tracking number written down. When I said no she made a quick copy of the label so I had the tracking number with no charge. I left with a good feeling about the service there and posted as such.

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UPS drop place Empty Re: UPS drop place

Post by joec Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:12 am

The Postman wrote: I was mainly looking for a local drop place for UPS. I called UPS 800 number and was told by Mexican UPS I had to drive to Guad to drop the envelope off. UPS also couldn't or wouldn't tell me if there was a pickup charge but would be around sometime in the afternoon. I like the foreign films in the afternoon at LCS and didn't want to wait between 1 and 6 pm for a pickup. There is far too much to do around here to sit for 5 hours waiting.
I did bring stamps and priority envelopes down so I could mail it at LCS on Thursday when I went to the movie but that was $5.15 out of my pocket and the UPS envelope was prepaid.
I also called Sol y Luna yesterday and they said they didn't handle UPS only FED EX.
After all this I drove to Super Lake for some goods and noticed the sign in Mailboxes Etc.'s window that said they handled UPS. I took my envelope in and the young lady at the counter was friendly and helpful.When she took the envelope from me she asked if I had the tracking number written down. When I said no she made a quick copy of the label so I had the tracking number with no charge. I left with a good feeling about the service there and posted as such.

If you ever do want them to do a pick up, they pick up in Ajijic between 12:00 PM and 1:30 PM daily. They are ALWAYS on time. I have done a lot and I mean a lot of business with UPS sending many packages to the States.

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UPS drop place Empty Re: UPS drop place

Post by The Postman Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:53 am

how do I contact them?

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UPS drop place Empty Re: UPS drop place

Post by joec Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:45 am

The Postman wrote:how do I contact them?

Toll Free Tel.: 01-800-90-29200

Ask for English speaking person. If you are shipping a parcel, they want the size in cm, approx weight in kg and destination. Ask if they still offer $ 100 US free insurance. If your product is valuable ALWAYS insure it.

I have sent up to $ 700 US in Japanese antiques to the US and always insured it.

If it's breakable wrap it with 3 layers of bubble wrap and cushion all sides and corners with newspaper crunched up.

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UPS drop place Empty Re: UPS drop place

Post by The Postman Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:10 pm

thank you

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UPS drop place Empty Re: UPS drop place

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