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Burzynski Victory

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	 Burzynski Victory Empty Burzynski Victory

Post by espíritu del lago Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:29 am

I don't know how many of you have been following this story but this is a huge victory.

Back in the 1970s, Dr. Burzynski came up with a theory about cancer and cancer treatment that was far different from the conventional paradigm of targeting cancer cells via chemotherapy and radiation treatments. After verifying the legitimacy of this theory, Dr. Burzynski developed a unique, natural formula made from peptides and amino acids that effectively corrects the gene malfunctions that he discovered were the true culprits responsible for the growth and proliferation of cancer cells.

This treatment, which he named antineoplastons, effectively balances the levels of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes -- the two type of genes involved in cancer growth -- which in turn prevents cancer cells from surviving. To make a long story short, this simple protocol effectively targets all these genes, as well as all forms of cancer, without causing any negative side effects or lost quality of life.

Since its original development, Dr. Burzynski has improved and refined the formula, and has successfully treated many patients with all kinds of cancers, including young children with supposedly "incurable" cancers like childhood brainstem gliomas.

But Dr. Burzynski's success did not go unnoticed by authorities with a different agenda. The Texas Medical Board (Dr. Burzynski's practice is located near Houston) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), both obviously threatened by his work, eventually went after Dr. Burzynski and tried to shut down his office and destroy his reputation. In the end they were unsuccessful, which represents a huge victory for medical freedom, but they put him through hell for over 14 years -- and they continue to deprive him and his work of necessary and rightful funding.
Learn more:
Tuesday, December 04, 2012
NaturalNews) After engaging in more than 30 years of vicious and relentless persecution, the Texas Medical Board (TMB) has finally decided to drop its weapons and leave cancer treatment innovator Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski alone, according to new reports. The surprising capitulation came after a panel of judges from the Texas State Office of Administrative Hearings (TSOAH) recently decided to dismiss the TMB's latest lawsuit against Dr. Burzynski, ruling that its allegations against him were invalid.

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espíritu del lago
espíritu del lago
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	 Burzynski Victory Empty Re: Burzynski Victory

Post by Trailrunner Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:42 am

I have been following this and this latest is great news! Thanks.
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	 Burzynski Victory Empty Re: Burzynski Victory

Post by E-raq Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:11 am

Super news, I'm currently working with one dental organization and also a medical organization on treatment for parasitic and mycotic infections. Things are slowly improving depending on your POV.

Usually they'd try to run us outta town on a rail aka yank our licenses. I on the other hand, gave mine up 13 years ago. So up theirs.
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