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Major heart repair possible without surgeon's knife

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Major heart repair possible without surgeon's knife Empty Major heart repair possible without surgeon's knife

Post by CheenaGringo Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:51 pm

"Have a heart problem? If it's fixable, there's a good chance it can be done without surgery, using tiny tools and devices that are pushed through tubes into blood vessels.

Heart care is in the midst of a transformation. Many problems that once required sawing through the breastbone and opening up the chest for open heart surgery now can be treated with a nip, twist or patch through a tube.

These minimal procedures used to be done just to unclog arteries and correct less common heart rhythm problems. Now some patients are getting such repairs for valves, irregular heartbeats, holes in the heart and other defects — without major surgery. Doctors even are testing ways to treat high blood pressure with some of these new approaches.

All rely on catheters — hollow tubes that let doctors burn away and reshape heart tissue or correct defects through small holes into blood vessels.

"This is the replacement for the surgeon's knife. Instead of opening the chest, we're able to put catheters in through the leg, sometimes through the arm," said Dr. Spencer King of St. Joseph's Heart and Vascular Institute in Atlanta. He is former president of the American College of Cardiology. Its conference earlier this month featured research on these novel devices. ..........

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Major heart repair possible without surgeon's knife Empty Re: Major heart repair possible without surgeon's knife

Post by DonPito Mon Mar 25, 2013 8:27 pm

Another alternative, and Bill Clinton is the poster child for this diet:

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Major heart repair possible without surgeon's knife Empty Re: Major heart repair possible without surgeon's knife

Post by ferret Mon Mar 25, 2013 10:13 pm

Good reading...both articles.
CG, one of the commenters was talking about the "supergene that grows new veins...SKS" so I went hunting for info and couldn't find anything.
I have heard about VEGF which stands for Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and that does grow new veins. It has been used for patients who can't undergo bypass operations. But it was a while ago and haven't heard anything lately. Seems like some of the new procedures mentioned are more immediate in their results at providing relief to patients.
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