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PLEASE HELP! Need airline cat carrier ASAP!

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PLEASE HELP! Need airline cat carrier ASAP! Empty PLEASE HELP! Need airline cat carrier ASAP!

Post by Milena Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:43 am

I came down for a brief stay with no hope remaining of finding alive my little Smudge cat who disappeared last September when the Housesitters from Hell moved in with their nasty big unneutered male dog that they lied about. My cats freaked and went over the wall. I found one, emaciated, she died shortly after my return and the expulsion of the housesitters. Smudge hadn't been seen since but on a lark, I put out a live trap baited with tuna in the arroyo beside my home and miracle of miracles! in just one night, she was caught!

I am returning to Canada with her in about 12 days and need to know a) if US Airways will allow an animal in cargo this time of year due to heat and b) if someone has or knows of an underseat carrier for sale big enough for an adult cat that is very secure and comfortable (I've seen some that don't even have enough breathing holes). Needed ASAP. Please PM. Many thanks!

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PLEASE HELP! Need airline cat carrier ASAP! Empty Re: PLEASE HELP! Need airline cat carrier ASAP!

Post by CheenaGringo Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:48 am

As for what US Air will or will not do, it would probably be best to contact them directly. Given their reputation for anti customer policies, I would get whatever you are told in writing and have that on my person until I was fully done with them.

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PLEASE HELP! Need airline cat carrier ASAP! Empty Re: PLEASE HELP! Need airline cat carrier ASAP!

Post by Ezzie Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:59 am

We have one we could part with. Sent you a PM.

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PLEASE HELP! Need airline cat carrier ASAP! Empty Re: PLEASE HELP! Need airline cat carrier ASAP!

Post by barbicheesecake Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:51 pm

I flew US Air from Columbus, OH to Phoenix several years ago. Lucy the cat was under the seat in front of me. No prob then; don't know about now. I also have a cat carrier if interested. Good luck.
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PLEASE HELP! Need airline cat carrier ASAP! Empty Re: PLEASE HELP! Need airline cat carrier ASAP!

Post by Milena Thu Apr 11, 2013 10:44 am

Thanks to those who responded, unfortunately, the carriers were not regulation size according to US Airways to fit under the seat. I found a new one at the new pet supply shop on the carreterra in Riberas, a couple of doors east of Cafe Magana. One of those soft sided carriers, this one can be carried in hand or as a front or backpack- talk about handy! A good deal at 650p. If you haven't been in there, go try them out. They have a good selection, fair prices, the staff speak English and proceeds support animal shelters, I think the dog ranch among others. Oh, they also have Bettas (Siamese fighting fish) that are so hard to find here, nice, quiet, easy care pet for those who aren't allowed cats or dogs.

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