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Where to be or not to be; that is the question.

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Where to be or not to be; that is the question. Empty Where to be or not to be; that is the question.

Post by Talosian Thu Apr 25, 2013 8:58 pm

TOB has a very long thread (5 sections at last look) with a lot of talk about leaving Mexico due to all the "issues" here, including but not limited to the "new" enforcement posture of Aduana.

So it brings to mind the question: If you would decide to leave Mexico, where would you go?

But of course, for most people, it's easier to complain for a bit but keep the status quo. There is a comfortability with the status quo and that's often not easy to overcome.

Then there is the factor of why some people came here in the first place.

I would venture to say the majority (over 50%) did it because you can get more for your U.S. or Canadian dollar here.

Probably some did it as I did; came down just for the heck of it were seduced by the moment of great weather and the relaxed attitudes of the people; no rat-race, etc. I had never thought of living in Mexico but bought a house in Vista del Lago on my third day here. Never a regret.

I read a column by Richard Detrich and it's usually about living in Panama. He spends a lot of time cruising as he is a presenter, as am I for a major cruise line. In Panama, he is a gentlemen coffee farmer; he extols Panama as a place to live and even gives "Panama Relocation" tours.

But what gets me is that from a comparative point of view, there are not near the benefits in Panama as there are in Mexico. There seems about the same amount of crime; higher prices for Gringos mordida, incompetency, etc. and the weather doesn't sound good at all.

I have two Mexican plated cars so that's not a problem, but there does seem a lot of uncertainty with the government. And I think we expats put way too much weight when we think our presence is really that important to Mexico.

The population of Mexico is over 116,000,000 (estimated) as per the C.I.A. Factbook. Do you really think that the estimated number of Gringos in Mexico (around a million) really impacts the overall Mexican economy? IMO, not really. Lakeside? Absolutely, but Lakeside is only the head of a pin in relation to the entire country. We shouldn't overestimate our importance in the big Mexican picture.

So to repeat: If you were going to leave Mexico, where would you go and why?

Me? Don't really know; I would look around. Maybe a small place in Florida by the cruise terminal and spend more time cruising.

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Post by sparks Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:48 pm

I can understand a lot of the anxiety before last November and even into jan/feb ..... but why the hell these people want to keep wringing their hands after 99% of this has been explained.

Shit or get off the Pot. Follow the new regs as best you can or head north again for a different type of misery.

Maybe there are more people trying to live on 1000 a month here than we know ???
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Post by zenwoodle Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:09 pm

Don't know!

We bought here and moved here under one set of rules and now find that there is another to deal with.

We still love the place, and hope that we can still be allowed to live here.

We did not bring a CDN car down and instead bought a Mexican car.

That is not a problem for us, but the cloudy waters that surround our status here make me wonder if we would be better off if we reverted to being snowbirds.

I thought life was going to get simpler. Beer
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Post by hockables Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:37 pm

Talosian wrote:TOB has a very long thread (5 sections at last look) with a lot of talk about leaving Mexico due to all the "issues" here, including but not limited to the "new" enforcement posture of Aduana.

So it brings to mind the question: If you would decide to leave Mexico, where would you go?

But of course, for most people, it's easier to complain for a bit but keep the status quo. There is a comfortability with the status quo and that's often not easy to overcome.

Then there is the factor of why some people came here in the first place.

I would venture to say the majority (over 50%) did it because you can get more for your U.S. or Canadian dollar here.

Probably some did it as I did; came down just for the heck of it were seduced by the moment of great weather and the relaxed attitudes of the people; no rat-race, etc. I had never thought of living in Mexico but bought a house in Vista del Lago on my third day here. Never a regret.

I read a column by Richard Detrich and it's usually about living in Panama. He spends a lot of time cruising as he is a presenter, as am I for a major cruise line. In Panama, he is a gentlemen coffee farmer; he extols Panama as a place to live and even gives "Panama Relocation" tours.

But what gets me is that from a comparative point of view, there are not near the benefits in Panama as there are in Mexico. There seems about the same amount of crime; higher prices for Gringos mordida, incompetency, etc. and the weather doesn't sound good at all.

I have two Mexican plated cars so that's not a problem, but there does seem a lot of uncertainty with the government. And I think we expats put way too much weight when we think our presence is really that important to Mexico.

The population of Mexico is over 116,000,000 (estimated) as per the C.I.A. Factbook. Do you really think that the estimated number of Gringos in Mexico (around a million) really impacts the overall Mexican economy? IMO, not really. Lakeside? Absolutely, but Lakeside is only the head of a pin in relation to the entire country. We shouldn't overestimate our importance in the big Mexican picture.

So to repeat: If you were going to leave Mexico, where would you go and why?

Me? Don't really know; I would look around. Maybe a small place in Florida by the cruise terminal and spend more time cruising.

I think the direction away from the dipshits who piss and moan about every little thing and why they think they should leave Mexico .. this time!

GO for Christ's Sakes!!
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Post by MyHomeSweetHome Fri Apr 26, 2013 12:04 am

Talosian wrote:
So it brings to mind the question: If you would decide to leave Mexico, where would you go?

So to repeat: If you were going to leave Mexico, where would you go and why?

Heaven, I'm tired of moving. I hope this is till death do us part and already live each day like it's the last...whether I die from a road trip or natural causes I'm ready to go or Jesus come back. The news isn't any better where I came from. Thought of moving elsewhere isn't even entertaining. I'm fingerprints away from being a permanent resident.

My dear friend in the states posted a picture on facebook of her loaded handgun stuffed in her pocket today, while her and her kids where locked in their house all morning. Their entire area was on a lock down from some crazy burglar, the schools shut down in the little country community. Their family is raising a doberman for personal protection and guard. If we ever thought we were paranoid here, what do you call that? I call it reality. This world isn't going to get any better anywhere right now, it's going to get's in the Book baby. Live where you want to live and live your life to the fullest! Nothing has changed as far as where we live, except growing desensitized.

I wouldn't want to live in Florida with the hurricanes and humidity. bleh But whatever floats your boat, enjoy!

I thought life was going to get simpler.
I think I did too...but I'm stressed all the time, even considered what it would if feel like to go back to the US for a visit, if that would help. I think I'd be stressed there too knowing that's not where I belong. It's just the times. The days don't have enough hours any more and it's not just me, others say the same thing...There's no time to be bored anymore, too busy.

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Post by confused Fri Apr 26, 2013 12:42 am

If I had pots and pots of money I would go back and live in Hawaii, on the Big Island. There is wonderful weather, great food, nice people. It is just too, too expensive and Canadians can not live in the US for more than 6 Months a year.

This is the next best thing. All you need to read is the expat forums and yahoo groups to know that many of the problems we experience are the same or worse in many expat destinations. I love it here.

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Post by David Fri Apr 26, 2013 5:51 am

zenwoodle wrote:Don't know!

We bought here and moved here under one set of rules and now find that there is another to deal with.

We still love the place, and hope that we can still be allowed to live here.

We did not bring a CDN car down and instead bought a Mexican car.

That is not a problem for us, but the cloudy waters that surround our status here make me wonder if we would be better off if we reverted to being snowbirds.

I thought life was going to get simpler. Where to be or not to be; that is the question. 411125
How is your situation cloudy? If you're already living here on a visa you're grandfathered in. Or do you use a Tourist Visa?
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Post by Hensley Fri Apr 26, 2013 7:34 am

Little Rock AR, low cost of living and not bad on the weather, Hawaii sounds good also, but.
Well this ain't going to happen for another 16 years when I turn 65. So we are here for a while.
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Post by Zedinmexico Fri Apr 26, 2013 7:38 am

If I had to go back to the PNW and Bellevue I guess just cause it is easy. I might buy a small motorhome and tour the SW during the winter to escape the dull dark wet days of winter. Don't think I can handle it anymore.


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Post by CanuckBob Fri Apr 26, 2013 7:40 am

I'd go to Alabama cause according to Dawg's stories that place is "da bomb".......jajaja.
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Post by lilikoi Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:37 pm

Boy, what a good thread. Every time I go back to the states to visit the fam. I entertain the thought of moving back to be more involved with the grandkids. Then after the 2 weeks, I can hardly wait to return. This is my third year here with other brief stays before that when I was dipping my toes and testing the waters. I work my tail off for less money than most would say they could even live on. But the food is better, the rents are cheaper, the weather is great, and I don't have the crazy parents of those grandkids to deal with daily, so even when I'm over the top in one way or another it is better here. I'm afraid I will avoid becoming permanent, but have a couple more years before I have to worry about that and then I'll have a pittance of Social Security. I have thought about South America, maybe Ecuador. I also like that OP's opinion that many Mexicans could care less about the gringo's money. The gringos have changed the flavor of many Mexican communities for good and for bad. It's a toss. But I sure wouldn't want to return to the USA and find myself working some pathetic job at my age and pay 2-3 times the rent and look in my grocery bag that I just paid 100 bucks for and say"what's that?"
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Post by SunshineyDay Sat Apr 27, 2013 10:59 pm

Hey I am from Little Rock and I would not go back there unless it was the last place left and then only if I could live in a maximum security environment. Too many snakes and racial prejudices.

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Post by Trailrunner Sun Apr 28, 2013 8:40 am

I'm going back to the US in a couple of weeks for the first time in 9 years since I've moved here. Can't wait to see what I think!

Can't imagine EVER (edited for Dave: permanently) leaving Mexico. lol

Last edited by Trailrunner on Sun Apr 28, 2013 8:52 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post by DaveP Sun Apr 28, 2013 8:47 am

Trailrunner wrote:I'm going back to the US in a couple of weeks for the first time in 9 years since I've moved here. Can't wait to see what I think!

Can't imagine EVER leaving Mexico.

But you have to leave Mexico to go to the US


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Post by brigitte Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:19 am

I have no problems imagining leaving Lakeside but it would be for another locaion inMexico . Mexico has its problems but so have other places.

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Post by gringal Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:29 am

Trailrunner wrote:I'm going back to the US in a couple of weeks for the first time in 9 years since I've moved here. Can't wait to see what I think!

Can't imagine EVER (edited for Dave: permanently) leaving Mexico. lol

We've been here around 9 years and never returned to the states, please report back upon your return. Friends from CA tell me I wouldn't recognize the place.

We have adult offspring there, but we've found it's much more sensible for them to visit us here from time to time; it's an adventure for them, and much less costly for us to wine and dine them locally. Also, it lets us sleep in our own comfy bed while having visitors. Very Happy

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Post by ferret Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:39 am

That's exactly the way we feel Gringal. I love having them visit us and we get two weeks of one on one time with them and the grandkids.
Trying to fit into their hectic lives NOB is stressful. I remember once when I wanted to get them all together for Christmas Dinner...had to plan a YEAR in advance...and that was before the arrival of grandkids on the scene.
I was going back a couple of times a year to see my mother but she has since passed away. While there, I would get to see the family I was staying with for a couple of hours at night or the big get together for one day to see them all. Just not quite the same as having them here.
My hubby can't fly and the drive is too far so he hasn't been back to Canada since 1997...he really needs a reality check when he whines about the cost of things here.
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Post by CanuckBob Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:57 am

Yep, that's for sure. Having just come from Canada a year ago I can assure you just about everything is significantly cheaper here than up there. Especially the "sin" items (booze, smokes and fuel). Then depending on which part of Canada you hail from the RE here is also up to 60% less.
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Post by gringal Sun Apr 28, 2013 10:01 am

My horror story from a couple of years before moving to Mexico, since it has its moments for reflection on where to be.

My favorite aunt was dying in Wisconsin and approaching her 96th birthday, so many of the relatives from far and near flew in to celebrate the occasion, knowing that cancer was taking her away.

It was February, and the sun shone brightly at the airport in CA when we left. One forgets the extremes of climate in the states. We arrived at O'hare in a snowstorm and struggled on to Wisconsin in our rental car, where a cousin put us up in her guestroom on an old fashioned mattress with springs that had seen better days. We were treated to a heavy midwestern dinner (never waste grease); all the storm windows were in place; felt airless.....and it was one tough night. Saw the aunt the next day, stayed another night where we ate Tombstone Pizza (that's the brand, honest) and gratefully downed some powerful brew. Escaped into the snow the next day. Arrived back on the West Coast and damn near kissed the tarmac.

I fully understand why folks from there think they died and went to heaven upon arrival here. Shocked

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Post by Trailrunner Sun Apr 28, 2013 10:03 am

gringal wrote:We've been here around 9 years and never returned to the states, please report back upon your return. Friends from CA tell me I wouldn't recognize the place.

I will report back, but what do they mean you "wouldn't recognize the place"? Like what? I'm from the BayA too, so what are they referring to? Curious.
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Post by CheenaGringo Sun Apr 28, 2013 10:09 am

Not to worry - if you head NOB with a preconceived negative attitude, chances are that you will be fulfilled and not disappointed.

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Post by Trailrunner Sun Apr 28, 2013 10:16 am

If you're referring to me, CG, I don't have a preconceived negative attitude. About anything, actually.
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Post by CheenaGringo Sun Apr 28, 2013 10:22 am

Just a general comment when I see all of the NOB bashing. It would work the same way if we were to head for Mexico or any other foreign country with a similar attitude. Granted there are exceptions but as a general rule where you live or where you visit is what you make of it.

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Post by gringal Sun Apr 28, 2013 10:22 am

Wake up on the wrong side of the bed, Cheena?

People tell me that the stress level in CA is elevated and of course, the state is suffering from budget woes which affect public services, which affect citizen attitudes.

When we left, it was different: plenty of jobs, thriving housing market and the good times were rolling. Of course, everything could be exactly the same at it was 9 years ago, but our perception would be different after being here so long.

Happy trails, trailrunner.

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Post by ferret Sun Apr 28, 2013 10:26 am

On the other hand, if you start out with a negative attitude, you may be delightfully surprised. That seems to happen to a lot of people who come to Mexico. Perspective is personal and subject to change.
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