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Orthopedist rec / Oscar M. Ramirez

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Orthopedist rec / Oscar M. Ramirez  Empty Orthopedist rec / Oscar M. Ramirez

Post by Sherman Sat May 11, 2013 11:41 am

Since we are a community of bad knees and more, I'm passing along someone I used who maybe be useful for a second opinion or the primary work. I used him for a second opinion and got better results with a continuing problem following knee surgery (not a replacement).

Also, for the 'gel' injection behind the knee cap, one of the best things on the market is supposed to be Renehavis. Dr. Ramirez added one more possibility, Euflexxa.

His contact information:

Oscar M. Ramirez Macias
Taracos 3473 0 520A
Torre de Especialidades Angeles
Fracc. Rinconada Santa rita 44690
Tel 3648- 3405, 3648-3409,
email: (skeletaldr at yahoo dot com)

He responds to emails.
His 0ffice is located on the north side of AV Mexico shopping center, Plaza Mexico.
His english is good and gave a good examination, and a really explanation of what was going on with my knee, and an effective way of deal with it.


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Orthopedist rec / Oscar M. Ramirez  Empty Re: Orthopedist rec / Oscar M. Ramirez

Post by Sherman Mon Sep 09, 2013 12:00 pm

A few of you were asking about Dr. Gonzales.
I have used him and had an ok experience.
But, also found someone else I used for a second opinion and follow-up to some surgery I had done by Dr. Gonzales.

Dr. Ramirez's approach was a little different and what my knee needed.
The drawback is that you have to go to Guad to Dr. Ramirez. For those who are used to going to Guad, it's pretty easy to find and there's plenty of parking in the AVe Mexico shopping center.


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Humor : Great sense of Humor!! I live here!!

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